Saturday, September 01, 2007


I did something special this morning...slept until almost 8am. That's a rarity for me. I'm one of those early morning people. 5-530am is my standard wake up time. Been feeling wiped though after the hard week. Feeding the cats late last night paid off for a few hours this morning.

The day has been pleasant in the 60's with sun and I have been a flawless slug. I ate breakfast late, laid on the couch and watched a horrible movie and that is the extent of my day so far. So other than checking on these links, I've done nothing useful. I do hope to gather, sort and clean out my extra room and perhaps a few cupboards as well. Who knows what will actually get done though. Slug I am means not much I am sure. But hey I have tomorrow and Monday as well, so all is good.

Now back to your regularly scheduled update, larger one this evening so enjoy!


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