Friday, September 21, 2007

Another Week Down

My computer has liked its new power supply. Now if Mike can solve the issue of my laptop being kicked off the network while I'm using it in the bedroom I'll be a happy camper.

I'm so close to being done with entering all of my comics. I've got three boxes left in my bedroom and normally I'd drag them into the computer room to input them. But...Tuesday September 25 is the day Halo 3 is released and my son will be taking up my inputting space with hours and hours of Halo 3 play. I could probably finish entering those three boxes before the 25th but I'm enjoying taking my time. That does mean I'll have to put off my filing until he burns out on Halo 3. But that part isn't really as much fun as entering anyway.

Okay, I've blabbed enough about inconsequential crap. Y'all enjoy the updates.


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