Friday, August 10, 2007

Words with an Announcement

1. The unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.
2. Something used and represented in this manner.

We all know what it means. To say otherwise would be foolish. The web may be a wonderfully free place, but to take from another that which is not yours is still stealing. Does one not have their own thoughts or imagination? If not I suggest not writing or in some cases stealing another's art. Find another route.

Sadly another author (one that I respect and think highly of) has run upon plagiarism and is now forced to make a decision on whether to post on the web or not.

See Ingrid's Announcement. (Aka Dreams)

Comment if you will and let us all wish her well and hope beyond hope that she once again trusts us. In the end her removing her words, thoughts and art hurts us all. Sadly because someone else has less talent, but is that so?

We each bring something to the table finding that may be the key we all search for. One will hope those that steal others ideas can see that they hurt not only the author of the work but all of us, including themselves.

Enjoy your updates and please remember to thank those that share their talent so freely with us.


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