Friday, August 03, 2007

Ramble from Kelly

First off I want to thank Kelly and Jo (tonight and tomorrow's words) for sharing thoughts and recipes with us. Please do continue to send them in anytime.

On to tonights words. Kelly's ramble is in direct response to D's ramble from a couple of weeks ago. Check it out.


It's funny, you see, I hardly ever surf sites and I try to avoid most blogs at all costs. Not because they don't say anything of value, or because they aren't interesting... it's because I don't want to get sucked in! So anyway, I just happen to stumble onto the Uber Etc site a few days ago and when I stumbled back today, I read your opening comments. Yes, I'm an avid reader and I love to write when I have time, but why do I do it?
Here is my story, condensed.

I was engaged (gasp, to a man!) 7 years ago. While off work after knee surgery and trying to assuage my thirst for the written word, I stumbled onto fem/fem type stories. I started with X-files and comic book fan fic but I kept coming back to the fem/fem stories. Searching for more stories lead to Xena... then Uber.

After the dude and I split up and I came out, I actually wrote and posted my first stories. They were Uber Xena, though I had only watched maybe two partial episodes of the show. I fell in love with the characters through other bards writings! As a romantic, I guess I want to believe in all that true love and soul mate crap (sorry, a little too practical for my own good!) along with a lot of other really cool things. The writing I was introduced to in the Uber Xenaverse gave me all that while still keeping me interested with the diverse and wide ranging plot lines. Doctors, spies, gardeners, computer executives, you name it and you can find it in the Uber universe. Sure some of the stories can seem a little corny, some a little bit like all the others, but there is always SOMETHING new.

I have started writing an X Files fan fic though I completely missed the last season. I don't look down on other types of fan fic, I just don't have the exposure to the shows to really know the characters. (Some I've never even heard of before.) You see, I stopped watching TV shows right in the middle of the break up with my ex fiance. It has been years and I still don't really have the urge or inclination to find a show to settle into. I have been following the L Word but to be honest, I don't really care anymore if I miss an episode, I just don't get drawn into the shows like I used to.

Here is the kicker of my tale. At the beginning of this year (Jan 2007) I purchased all six seasons of Xena: Warrior Princess, on DVD. I watched them back to back, over the course of a few months. At first I thought, 'how hokey!'. But the characters are what kept me interested. By the time I finished the last episode... well, I was heart broken and hooked. Through mistakes, anger, hatred, heartbreak, sorrow, violence, love and friendship, their bond remained unbreakable. All that anyone out there really wants is to be loved, to find that kind of happiness in their lifetime.

So what, if the bond we are reaching for is found between two fictional television characters! Call it chemistry, call it a higher guidance, call it something primal in our emotional makeup, I believe the bond exists otherwise I would have been searching for it my entire life. If we truly could find the other half of our soul, find a happiness that was meant to be, would that be so bad? No, I think that would be a pretty special
thing. Maybe a thing that legends are made of.

So, those are my thoughts on the subject. That's why I'll keep reading and I'll keep writing. And hopefully the joy I find in other bard's work
is also the joy others will find in mine.

Kelly Aten

Once again if you have the time thank Kelly for her words and let us know your thoughts. I know I was very pleased to see another's perspective on this topic. Each of us has one and I truly enjoy seeing reading them all.

Enjoy your updates.


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