Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hope Lives

Tonight a great ramble to share. Whatever power one believes in, let it always guide you forward. Take it away, phair.
And then, she sighed

Some forty plus weeks ago, I wrote about improbable, impossible, impractical news regarding my only sister. I begged for tidings of Hope. So many readers responded and shared their Hope with me. It warmed and nourished me like hot soup for a weary traveler on a bitter cold night. I was strengthened by their candor and selflessness.

My follow up ramble, some weeks later, provided that the news was good, mostly. My sister was expecting a child but the pregnancy was complex. Doctors like to use that word when they don't want to say that they are as frightened as you might be. The baby was growing and getting strong but there were many hurdles for her between there and here. She (yes, a little girl) had so many tests to take so the doctors would not be surprised in the OR. Even her delivery date and time would not be left to guessing. The doctors picked it before the end of the first trimester.

And now, she's here! She is very healthy and happy and beautiful. My sister is well as well. Her husband and oldest son are proud and learning very quickly about extra girls in the house. Example: more pink around than last week. And as an entire extended family of brothers, sister, sisters in law, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandmother, great grand father, great aunts and uncles, friends, friends of friends, and pleasant strangers who passed us at Stop and Shop, we are all ecstatic to have our 6lb 9oz bundle of absolute Heaven on Earth with us.

Thank you to all who sent good thoughts, prayers, wishes and Hope our way. I don't know for certain that had a part in our delightful outcome. But, I do so want to believe it is true.

However, I would be an absolute hypocrite if I didn't admit my acknowledgment to a higher power. The hospital my niece was delivered in is a Catholic facility so there is a chapel in the lobby (across from the gift shop). As I made my way out of the building that first miraculous night, I knew I needed to stop at the chapel and ... well, say thank you. I may be a lapsed Catholic but I'm not ungrateful. I walked into the silence of their sanctuary from the chaos of the world and felt absolute relief. A statue of Mary cradling her infant was front and left. This time, I was not dragged to my knees in desperation but stood as if I'd been invited. All I could utter between my tears was, "thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you...," I sobbed and sobbed until my latent grief over what could have gone wrong was bled dry.

When I walked out of the building sometime later, my nose ran, my head throbbed, my eyes burned raw from their tears. Yet, I felt relieved from the threat of despair which was ever present over the 28 previous weeks. I was saved by Hope, by life, by Amy.

thank you and thank you again for all your good thoughts and shared hope,

aka mullaney

Splendid news indeed! Congratulations to your whole family, phair, and thanks so much for sharing.

Enjoy your updates everyone.


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