Sunday, August 19, 2007


My weekend has been filled with slugdom. I did manage to wash the dog. And I folded a bunch of socks. I hate folding socks so much I save up a laundry basket full. Of course, by this time most everyone is about out of socks and the need for them is dire. I also purchased party favors and paper goods for Cal's fifth birthday party. He's picked Chuck E. Cheese's for his party location. I'm not real thrilled about that but I believe I've figured a way out of actually purchasing their horrible pizza.

Quite a bit of my time (as E can attest) has been spent screwing with the newest version of my spiffy ComicBase program. There always seem to be issues when upgrading software and since this one catalogs my comics it's extremely important that it works. Luckily the tech support for ComicBase is stellar and I fixed the issue today with help from their forums. Now I can once again gaze lovingly at my comic book database program and feel warm and fuzzy inside at the prospect of continuing to input comics.


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