Wednesday, August 15, 2007

School Days

The kids started school today: Duncan in 6th grade and Cal in Kindergarten. Both survived and reported that the first day was a good one. Duncan did manage to lose his lunch card. The lanyard I purchased on Ebay for him to help minimize the chance of losing said lunch card, of course, arrived today. Duncan may be the spitting image of me but he's his dad when it comes to forgetfulness.

I predict tonight's bed time will be much easier for both kids. Cal is already showing signs of tiredness. I tell myself every year I'm going to start school year bed time a full week before school but I never do it. I can hear E laughing now because she knows how bad I am.

Small update tonight so I'm linking to a blog I read. Please make sure you've emptied your bladder before perusing this entry:



Anonymous said...

ha! thanks for the link - glad you enjoyed my cautionary tale. if i can help just one other woman... it will all have been worth it. ;)

E said...

Not sure if I would have attempted it before your story, but can easily say now after my laughing has subsided that I will never go there.

Thanks for the lesson.