Monday, August 06, 2007


My first full day back from vacation and boy was it busy. Mom wanted to be away from the house because my dad was working on the books for his barber shop (he refuses to computerize) so we got an early start and went to one of our many Wal-Mart stories to look for the school supplies lists for the kids. I was as frustrated as last year with no lists to be found for either school.

We had an early lunch and then headed to Arcadia, Oklahoma to check out Pop's on Route 66. E read about this place and told me she wanted pictures. Since I was scheduled to go to Edmond today for my yearly boob squishing and Pop's is located just outside of Edmond it seemed like an ideal time.

If you're ever traveling Route 66 through Oklahoma it's worth a stop. Pop's is a gas station/convenience store/restaurant with the best selection of soda pop I've ever seen. Granted...I don't seek out soda pop varieties but it was impressive nonetheless. I'd love to see what the joint looks like at night.

After Pop's it was off to Target in Edmond to get school supplies. Mike checked the school web sites for me and I was set. Ended up getting away with only two things not purchased from the list.

Last stop...mammogram. Got right in and squished with no problems. We ended up putting 100 miles on the car today. At least it was productive and mom got out of the house during the monthly updating of the books.

Now for a special announecment from Erin O'Rielly....
I am pleased to announce the release of Revelations (ISBN: 978-1-933113-75-3) available now from SCP. This rewritten and reedited version of Emma's Journey includes new scenes and a more satisfying ending. I wish to thank Intaglio Publications for their faith in this story and me. I also wish to express my gratitude to all the readers of my stories on the Internet who have supported me and encouraged me to continue writing.

Story Synopsis:

Emma Sanders survives in a dark world of fear and shadows created by her mother. Circumstances thrown into her life's path keep her isolated, alone, and far removed from the trappings of modern society. She does what she has to do to endure life in spite of her perceived inadequacies and worthlessness.

When a shadowy figure emerges from the muddy depths of water near her boat dock, light begins to creep into Emma's lonely existence. Cay O'Neill's path twists and turns, bringing her to Jones' Lake and Emma Sanders.

Slowly, Emma allows Cay into her life, rejoicing in the new found emotion of friendship and other feelings that she can’t quite explain. But a common enemy threatens the fledgling relationship. Can they form a strong bond in a fight to stay alive? Will the light of a once-inconceivable world shine on her or will Emma find betrayal?

An excerpt from the book can be read here

Erin O'Rielly

Enjoy the updates!


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