Friday, August 31, 2007

Weekend Arrives

Just in time too as the work week has completely drained me. I definitely need these few days to recover. Some weeks seem harder than others. This one was on the extreme hard side.

Tamara has been preoccupied with her comics of late, which is best since my chatting skills have been null. She did get lucky today at the comic shop so that was grand.

For all of you Americans with the long weekend, enjoy! And wherever you are, whether you get the long weekend or not, do something nice for yourself. I'm looking forward to some naps!

Now back to your regularly scheduled updates! Enjoy 'em.


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Geek Dreams

E is trapped at work late today so I'm filling in. I got some good news from my comic guy today. He's been sorting the overstock and I can browse some unfiled boxes. The best part of the deal is I can pick issues for a quarter a comic. Within reason of course. He's not going to sell me a super pricey issue for a quarter but I can sure fill in some holes cheaply. E knows that the idea of this quarter comic shopping spree makes me giddy. I may even dream of comics tonight. Keen.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Not Much

Still obsessively entering comics into my database. I can see light at the end of the tunnel in terms of entering data. After that the real work begins...filing. I'll have to ban dog and kids from the computer room because I foresee many piles of comics on the floor.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Summer Hangs On

It seems our weather is hanging on to the last drop this year. Summer is holding strong. Tomorrow shall be around 80. Mind you, this is Seattle so that's not a usual average for us. The 70's are our average. Being the person who loves the gray rain means these days are not my favorite. However, I have a soon-to-be 7 year old who is looking forward to my work picnic tomorrow which is being hosted at a site with a pool. So summer will spend another day with us and I'll have a soon-t-be fish as well.

Small update tonight. Gives you some opportunity to take the time and let some of these authors know what you think and how they are appreciated for sharing it all with us.

Have a great night and I will chat at you soon.


Monday, August 27, 2007

Birthday Boy

Today my youngest is five. We had a lovely party at Chuck E. Cheese's for a few of his friends yesterday afternoon. It was his first friend party. I managed to get out of eating any Chuck E. Cheese's pizza by having the party at 2. Instead we bought drinks for everyone, spent too much money on game tokens and fed them cake and ice cream. Cal had a blast and even wanted to go back today. Unfortunately for him the family birthday party will be at a Chinese restaurant and not Chuck E. Cheese's. Not that he doesn't like Chinese food. He just likes playing the games at Chuck E. Cheese's better.


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Weekend Wrap Up

As we all head into another work week here's hoping you all had a splendid weekend and a nifty evening.

Enjoy your updates and we will chat at y'all later,


Saturday, August 25, 2007

Still Boring

Tiny night of updates. Hope your weekend is going well. Enjoy 'em.


Friday, August 24, 2007

End of the Work Week

Here's hoping you all had a good week and the weekend holds lots and lots of fun. If not, try and do your best. You never know what tomorrow may bring. Enjoy!


Thursday, August 23, 2007


Still not much to say except that I've been enjoying inputting comics again. E can attest to the fact that me rambling about the spiffiness of Master of Kung Fu isn't very exciting so I'll let y'all get to it.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hope Lives

Tonight a great ramble to share. Whatever power one believes in, let it always guide you forward. Take it away, phair.
And then, she sighed

Some forty plus weeks ago, I wrote about improbable, impossible, impractical news regarding my only sister. I begged for tidings of Hope. So many readers responded and shared their Hope with me. It warmed and nourished me like hot soup for a weary traveler on a bitter cold night. I was strengthened by their candor and selflessness.

My follow up ramble, some weeks later, provided that the news was good, mostly. My sister was expecting a child but the pregnancy was complex. Doctors like to use that word when they don't want to say that they are as frightened as you might be. The baby was growing and getting strong but there were many hurdles for her between there and here. She (yes, a little girl) had so many tests to take so the doctors would not be surprised in the OR. Even her delivery date and time would not be left to guessing. The doctors picked it before the end of the first trimester.

And now, she's here! She is very healthy and happy and beautiful. My sister is well as well. Her husband and oldest son are proud and learning very quickly about extra girls in the house. Example: more pink around than last week. And as an entire extended family of brothers, sister, sisters in law, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandmother, great grand father, great aunts and uncles, friends, friends of friends, and pleasant strangers who passed us at Stop and Shop, we are all ecstatic to have our 6lb 9oz bundle of absolute Heaven on Earth with us.

Thank you to all who sent good thoughts, prayers, wishes and Hope our way. I don't know for certain that had a part in our delightful outcome. But, I do so want to believe it is true.

However, I would be an absolute hypocrite if I didn't admit my acknowledgment to a higher power. The hospital my niece was delivered in is a Catholic facility so there is a chapel in the lobby (across from the gift shop). As I made my way out of the building that first miraculous night, I knew I needed to stop at the chapel and ... well, say thank you. I may be a lapsed Catholic but I'm not ungrateful. I walked into the silence of their sanctuary from the chaos of the world and felt absolute relief. A statue of Mary cradling her infant was front and left. This time, I was not dragged to my knees in desperation but stood as if I'd been invited. All I could utter between my tears was, "thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you...," I sobbed and sobbed until my latent grief over what could have gone wrong was bled dry.

When I walked out of the building sometime later, my nose ran, my head throbbed, my eyes burned raw from their tears. Yet, I felt relieved from the threat of despair which was ever present over the 28 previous weeks. I was saved by Hope, by life, by Amy.

thank you and thank you again for all your good thoughts and shared hope,

aka mullaney

Splendid news indeed! Congratulations to your whole family, phair, and thanks so much for sharing.

Enjoy your updates everyone.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Feedback Makes Writers Happy

Fresh out of words tonight. Y'all enjoy the stories and be sure to let the writers know what you thought.


Monday, August 20, 2007

More to Read

Welcome to Monday and a good start to the week. Enjoy your updates!


Sunday, August 19, 2007


My weekend has been filled with slugdom. I did manage to wash the dog. And I folded a bunch of socks. I hate folding socks so much I save up a laundry basket full. Of course, by this time most everyone is about out of socks and the need for them is dire. I also purchased party favors and paper goods for Cal's fifth birthday party. He's picked Chuck E. Cheese's for his party location. I'm not real thrilled about that but I believe I've figured a way out of actually purchasing their horrible pizza.

Quite a bit of my time (as E can attest) has been spent screwing with the newest version of my spiffy ComicBase program. There always seem to be issues when upgrading software and since this one catalogs my comics it's extremely important that it works. Luckily the tech support for ComicBase is stellar and I fixed the issue today with help from their forums. Now I can once again gaze lovingly at my comic book database program and feel warm and fuzzy inside at the prospect of continuing to input comics.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Too Pooped to Ramble

Busy weekend, so enjoy your updates.


Friday, August 17, 2007


My kids survived their first half week of school. Duncan is discovering that middle school isn't quite as scary as the fifth grade teachers led him to believe. Cal wishes they could play with toys more in the class. He perked up when I told him he was going to learn to read this year. I think that'll make up for the relative lack of play time in Kindergarten.

Y'all have a good Friday (or Saturday for our international friends).


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Announcement Night

Opportunities ahead....

The September issue is almost here. Authors, publishing companies and artists are invited to take advantage of a great way to advertise your endeavors. For less than a latte, you can place an ad in Khimairal Ink that will be seen by thousands of readers from all over the world. Check us out!

Khimairal Ink also has an opening for a Graphic Artist. The duties include, creating a graphical theme for each issue and applying this theme to all the graphics in the issue. The artist must be able to work on deadline, have knowledge of and access to graphic software such as Photoshop or its equivalent, and must love to be creatively challenged.

Khimairal Ink is published three issues a year and usually has seven to nine graphical elements plus the cover per issue.

This is a volunteer position. We offer free ad space for our artists in Khimairal Ink, not to mention something to put on the resume.

If you're interested drop an email to If you have a Web site or someplace on the Web where we can see your artwork, that would be great. If you want to send samples, please let us know when you query about the position so we're prepared for larger files coming through.


Claudia Wilde

If you have the skills and are looking to fill up your resume this is a prime opportunity.

Now on to your updates, enjoy 'em.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

School Days

The kids started school today: Duncan in 6th grade and Cal in Kindergarten. Both survived and reported that the first day was a good one. Duncan did manage to lose his lunch card. The lanyard I purchased on Ebay for him to help minimize the chance of losing said lunch card, of course, arrived today. Duncan may be the spitting image of me but he's his dad when it comes to forgetfulness.

I predict tonight's bed time will be much easier for both kids. Cal is already showing signs of tiredness. I tell myself every year I'm going to start school year bed time a full week before school but I never do it. I can hear E laughing now because she knows how bad I am.

Small update tonight so I'm linking to a blog I read. Please make sure you've emptied your bladder before perusing this entry:


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Time Flies

Perhaps when one is not noticing it life slips by. Amongst the daily routines whether good, bad or indifferent it all seems to move past.

Where did July go? And how soon can the weekend get here? All questions my mind seeks. The unknown lies ahead, but sometimes it seems so familiar. What I did today feels like what I did yesterday and may even feel like what I will do tomorrow. All slipping by.

Got any fun to share with us? Perhaps some flawless thing you may have cooked recently? Do tell, because each of you have something different to share and that changes up the day. I like routine, but I like change as well and they are both important in their own right.

Now back to your regularly scheduled updates. Enjoy 'em.


Monday, August 13, 2007


Hype for you tonight....
The LESBIAN FICTION READERS CHOICE AWARDS is pleased to announce our first annual FAVORITE BOOK COVER Award. More details will be forthcoming but start looking at book covers and decide which ones you would like to nominate.To be eligible a cover must be from a published lesbian fiction book that was released (or re-released) prior to January 1, 2007. No fan fiction covers are eligible. When nominating, the member will be asked to provide: Name of the Book, Name of the Author, Name of the Publisher, Year of Publication, and (if known) Name of Cover Artist.The nomination period will begin September 1st and end September 20th. Please hold your nominations until that time.

Thanks to everyone who continue to support the Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards.

Jo Fothergill
LFRCA Administrator

Enjoy the updates, I'm off to gymnastics with the youngest son!


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Closing of the Weekend

Seattle weather has dropped back to its norm and I am pleased about that. A bit more rain wouldn't hurt, but that heat thing can totally go away as far as I'm concerned. Probably a good thing that I try not making vacation plans in places with lots of sun and heat. Hence vacations in February or October are best.

So my weekend was filled with many activities. One soon to be seven year old kept me busy. Even amongst that one was hoping the weekend could last a little longer. Back to the mortgage paying job and the routine of work will come soon enough.

Hope each of you had a splendid weekend and that the path of fun finds you this week as well.

Enjoy your updates.


Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ramble from Kali

Good news! Someone answered E's call to ramble.
I've been trying to hire a part time nanny to help in the afternoon while my child's current nanny goes to afternoon classes this fall so I can remain employed. A lot of people responded to my ad. I tried to e-mail or contact the seemingly qualified applicants to learn more about them and see if the hours and responsibilities worked for their schedule. Plus I don't want to waste my time setting up an interview with someone I'd never hire.

I am amazed at the number of college age people who set up an appointment to meet my family & do not show or even call or e-mail to cancel. Planning for several interviews on a week night is not possible so I am out an evening and another day closer to my deadline. It is very irksome.

I am also amazed at the the resumes people send out. They don't use spell check, which is sloppy and often spell "attention to detail" incorrectly by transposing a letter. Or they include information that is way too revealing if they actually want a job. One applicant told the reasons way she left each of previous jobs calling a former retail employer and staff greedy and backstabbing. Listing another as boring beyond belief.

Sometimes when I call & listen to someone's voicemail, I decide it is likely a bad fit. Having to listen to 30 seconds of "If everyone cared & nobody lied.... before getting to the person's message is not earning any points in my patience department. Can you imagine hiring this person and having to listen to part of that song every time you called before you could even leave a message. At least when I was that age and had to add music to my answering machine I made it softer and talked over it (I think). Crap, maybe it is a rite of passage. I'm sure my dad bitched about it, but beyond that I don't recall.

I'm afraid to even go to myspace and see if any of them have a page there. Contemplating what might be on it scares me.

I did have an applicant call me to say she was stuck on a bridge a 1/2 hour before our appointment to tell me she would be late. She had actual manners and thought ahead. Unfortunately she wasn't a good fit for us. It figures.

Today I had a temp come to my office for the first time & go home sick with cramps after less than 2 hours of work. Why she didn't call in sick to the agency or at least given them a heads up to plan for a back up, if she felt nauseous and unable to work? The temp agency called me to apologize and would try to find a replacement for today and tmw. They found one for tmw and then proceeded to tell me about other problem temps they've had. I can't believe they tell me this stuff. Should I care that they've made some poor employment decisions? I need to get off the phone and do more more work since this person left early and now I feel less confident that the replacement will do a good job. Tommorow is Friday if they don't do a good job, can you guess who will be here this weekend?

Ciao I'm heading out for lunch.


Since I've never had to interview for a babysitter, let alone a nanny, I'd hesitate to give any advice to Kali. If you've got some suggestions or just want to commiserate, give her a holler and be sure to thank her for rambling.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Words with an Announcement

1. The unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.
2. Something used and represented in this manner.

We all know what it means. To say otherwise would be foolish. The web may be a wonderfully free place, but to take from another that which is not yours is still stealing. Does one not have their own thoughts or imagination? If not I suggest not writing or in some cases stealing another's art. Find another route.

Sadly another author (one that I respect and think highly of) has run upon plagiarism and is now forced to make a decision on whether to post on the web or not.

See Ingrid's Announcement. (Aka Dreams)

Comment if you will and let us all wish her well and hope beyond hope that she once again trusts us. In the end her removing her words, thoughts and art hurts us all. Sadly because someone else has less talent, but is that so?

We each bring something to the table finding that may be the key we all search for. One will hope those that steal others ideas can see that they hurt not only the author of the work but all of us, including themselves.

Enjoy your updates and please remember to thank those that share their talent so freely with us.


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Swimmed Out

Today marked the last weekday visit to White Water for us. After next Tuesday the kids will be in school and ol' White Water Bay will only be open on the weekends in August. I must admit I'm glad our season is at an end. I've climbed enough stairs and shot down enough watery tubes for this summer.


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

E's Night to Ramble

In case you were wondering, the daily updates are a shared process for Tamara and I. Our checklist is long and takes a while to click through, hence we split the task. Not that we mind...we take the time to chat at one another each evening (thank you, Yahoo) while we check the sites. It does seem like a long and boring process alone however. That's why we bug all of you for rambles during these times. Spending two hours or more per evening updating with no one else to chat with is not ideal fun.

Now on to another update, enjoy 'em.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Bad Penny

Another day of appointments for me. I'm officially checked under the hood *and* new glasses are on order. Duncan had his first visit to the eye doc and, shock of shocks, he doesn't need glasses...yet. I think he was saved by not being a voracious reader. That computer/console gaming will get his eyes one day.

I only had Duncan to help me decide on new frames so if they look like complete crap on me he's to blame. Last time I got new glasses E was visiting and she helped me pick new ones. Mom has been a big help on previous occasions but she was watching Cal. I got to hear helpful remarks from my oldest son like "those make you look too severe" and "those make you look like you have an oval for a head". Yeah, I didn't know quite what to make of that last one either.

Nobody had to advise me during my ob-gyn visit of course. Stirrups I can do just fine on my own. The worst part of that visit is stepping on the scale. That I always dread. Probably the opposite of most people. After giving birth to two kids I don't have any qualms about checking out the goods. Janet has small, warm hands and a chatty bedside manner, which makes the yearly checkup quick and painless.

And with that show stopper of a last line, here's some more hype for y'all....
My story, And Playing the Role of Herself, was accepted by Regal Crest Enterprises last year, and published earlier this year under the author name K.E. Lane. The book is now available from StarCrossed Productions as well as other online retailers, or can be ordered from your local bookstore.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a synopsis:

Actress Caidence Harris is living her dreams after landing a leading role among the star-studded, veteran cast of 9th Precinct, a hot new police drama shot on location in glitzy LA. Her sometimes-costar Robyn Ward is magnetic, glamorous, and devastatingly beautiful, the quintessential A-List celebrity on the fast-track to super-stardom. When the two meet on the set of 9th Precinct, Caid is instantly infatuated but settles for friendship, positive that Robyn is both unavailable and uninterested. Soon Caid sees that all is not as it appears, but can she take a chance and risk her heart when the outcome is so uncertain?

And for those of you who are wondering how the book might differ from the online story enough to make it worth your hard earned scratch, you can take peek at the book's first chapter at my website, under the preview link.


Rejoice! Tomorrow you get E again. I think I'm over my guilt of having her do last week all by herself. Enjoy 'em.


Monday, August 06, 2007


My first full day back from vacation and boy was it busy. Mom wanted to be away from the house because my dad was working on the books for his barber shop (he refuses to computerize) so we got an early start and went to one of our many Wal-Mart stories to look for the school supplies lists for the kids. I was as frustrated as last year with no lists to be found for either school.

We had an early lunch and then headed to Arcadia, Oklahoma to check out Pop's on Route 66. E read about this place and told me she wanted pictures. Since I was scheduled to go to Edmond today for my yearly boob squishing and Pop's is located just outside of Edmond it seemed like an ideal time.

If you're ever traveling Route 66 through Oklahoma it's worth a stop. Pop's is a gas station/convenience store/restaurant with the best selection of soda pop I've ever seen. Granted...I don't seek out soda pop varieties but it was impressive nonetheless. I'd love to see what the joint looks like at night.

After Pop's it was off to Target in Edmond to get school supplies. Mike checked the school web sites for me and I was set. Ended up getting away with only two things not purchased from the list.

Last stop...mammogram. Got right in and squished with no problems. We ended up putting 100 miles on the car today. At least it was productive and mom got out of the house during the monthly updating of the books.

Now for a special announecment from Erin O'Rielly....
I am pleased to announce the release of Revelations (ISBN: 978-1-933113-75-3) available now from SCP. This rewritten and reedited version of Emma's Journey includes new scenes and a more satisfying ending. I wish to thank Intaglio Publications for their faith in this story and me. I also wish to express my gratitude to all the readers of my stories on the Internet who have supported me and encouraged me to continue writing.

Story Synopsis:

Emma Sanders survives in a dark world of fear and shadows created by her mother. Circumstances thrown into her life's path keep her isolated, alone, and far removed from the trappings of modern society. She does what she has to do to endure life in spite of her perceived inadequacies and worthlessness.

When a shadowy figure emerges from the muddy depths of water near her boat dock, light begins to creep into Emma's lonely existence. Cay O'Neill's path twists and turns, bringing her to Jones' Lake and Emma Sanders.

Slowly, Emma allows Cay into her life, rejoicing in the new found emotion of friendship and other feelings that she can’t quite explain. But a common enemy threatens the fledgling relationship. Can they form a strong bond in a fight to stay alive? Will the light of a once-inconceivable world shine on her or will Emma find betrayal?

An excerpt from the book can be read here

Erin O'Rielly

Enjoy the updates!


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Back to It

Home from a week of swimming in spring fed waterways. I'll miss it but it's nice to be back in familiar surroundings. And what the heck was up with P&P this week? Y'all had a ton to read and poor E did many huge updates all by herself. She deserves a medal. Maybe I'll give her one when I visit next.

Enjoy 'em!
