Sunday, February 11, 2007

Ramble from Linda

Here's a nice way to finish the weekend...a ramble from Linda.
It's a bitch getting older....

To my nieces and nephews, I am just one big kid. Mom says I am 49 going on 12. The family will tell you that I am Peter Pan and Auntie Mame all rolled together. I just happen to know when to be a child and when to be an adult. Which makes me a favorite among the kids. They love that I can get down to their level and have fun. But lately adulthood has been creeping into my life more then I like. At first it was little signs. A few stiff joints in the morning. A few saying I thought I would never say like..."You call that music? Well in my day...." IN MY DAY, a sure sign that you are now old.

Then there is my favorite...CRS...Can't Remember Sh**. I will find myself heading off to somewhere in the house then stop halfway there and wondering what am I going to the living room for. And names... I have 4 surviving brothers, 1 sister, 2 sister-in-laws, 6 nephews, 4 nieces and a great number of other family members. I find myself just calling the kids "sweety" because at that moment I can't remember their names. I refuse to go through the whole list of names before I hit the right one like my mom does.

Recently I went for my annual mammogram. I was a little embarassed by the fact that my bust line has been trying it's damnest to become part of my waistline and it's winning. When the lovely machine was flattening my breast, I was struck by the odd thought..."fold this boob in half and you have a taco shell."

When I went for my first mammogram I was in my late 30's and I flirted with the tech. This time I didn't even try, I realized the tech was young enough to be my daughter. Another sure sign you're getting old is when the medical personnel you go to are waaaay younger then you.

In the last two months the last sign of getting old has creeped up behind me quiet as a mouse and whacked me in the head with a two by four. MENOPAUSE!!!!! Hot Flashes, Night Sweats and Mood Changes. The three dreaded sisters of old age. I have been wearing shorts and tank tops in the dead of winter because it's much easier then crawling into the freezer every time a hot flash hits.

I have been changing moods faster than a butch changes channels with her handy-dandy remote. My nieces are quite confused with the mood swings. My brother Bill has gotten into the habit of handing me a bite-size chocolate candy bar (his words: an offering to the demon bitch now living in my body).

I just love getting older.... NOT!


I'm not looking forward to menopause. My mom has had some fun with it, let me tell you so I do sympathize, Linda. As for CRS...I've had that for quite some time. Having that second kid put my brain on overload I think.

Take a little time to thank Linda for rambling. I love reading these and want to encourage her to keep on sharing with us.


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