Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Here at Uber Etc. we seem to be doing that all the time. But that's what we're all about, expanding where we look for F/F stories (originals, ubers, and fanfics) to bring to all of you. With that in mind the best way for us to find more is through you. Are we missing something that you check? Please let us know.

We try hard to update as much as we can daily. We do have limits but are always willing to add more sites and places to check if we can. So try us, send us what you got and we'll do our best to incorporate it or let you know why we can't.

With that in mind, please feel free any time to comment to us either by emailing us or leaving an anonymous comment (available at the end of each one of these daily posts at the website). If you're only interested in getting the update sent to you in email (hopefully once per day) try our Yahoo group.

And remember...whenever you feel like promoting, rambling or sharing (new books, stories, recipes, rambles, etc.) let us know any time. We're more than happy to allow someone else's words to be heard nightly.

So there you have another reminder of what we're about. Sit back, share if you like, and enjoy the updates!



Anonymous said...

knJust wanted to thank you for the site! It's great of you to do this for us fanfic fans :). Not only do we get free stories, we get them all in one place. It's brilliant. And the rambles add a nice personal touch.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

hey you might want to try checking femslash today,at LJ http://community.livejournal.com/femslash_today/profile

otherwise thanks for waht ya'll do : )

Tamara said...

Thanks so much to both of you.

Femslash Today is indeed a great site. Since we both basically do the same service with the difference being they focus on LJ sites, we decided to check them periodically for sites to check but we leave the LJ community to them (with a few exceptions *g*). They do a fantastic job and post a TON of links to stories.