Monday, February 05, 2007

May the Force be with you.

I'm not a religious person but Mike and I both felt it was a good idea for the kids to have some sort of religious education. Since we've both grown away from our Southern Baptist upbringing we decided a Unitarian church would be a great choice. We joined the First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City when Duncan was four. Mike has gotten very involved with the Youth group at the church, teaching the junior high religious education classes for two years and now the high school class.

This last Sunday the high school class presented the 11am service to the entire congregation. The theme was Star Wars (the first movie) and what we can learn from the characters' journeys. I must say the kids did a fantastic job from the marching in with light sabers (complete with a light saber tunnel for the chalice lighting) to the celebratory dance at the end accompanied by the Cantina music from Star Wars.

I had the honor of filming the 35 minute service from the balcony. There's nothing quite like hearing the entire congregation singing Weird Al's Yoda. I'm looking forward to what Duncan's high school class comes up with in a few years for their youth led service.


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