Monday, November 13, 2006


We have plenty. I wish I were feeling well enough to be able to go outside and walk in it. The wind and rain have captured be splendid. Now not everyone here feels that way as the flooding continues, I do wish them the best, but I must admit I look forward to the next wave headed our way on Wednesday.

My last trip has proven I do not travel well. Those barometric changes are taking their toll on my inner ears and causing havoc. My abilities to walk, talk and do my usual have been affected, hence no work for me today. I spent the whole day taking antihistamines and sleeping. Something that sounds much better to most until the reality of it all happens. Then one just wants their daily routine back and in a big way. One will hope for all that to appear soon.

Now enough of my ramble and onto your updates. Enjoy 'em.


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