Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Twelfth Night and Comets

Right... today is the feast of Epiphany for the western Christian traditions, and some of the eastern and orthodox Christian tradition. We wish our readers of those faiths a good feast.

Today is Christmas Day for the Armenian Christian churches. We wish any readers of those faith a merry Christmas.

Tomorrow is Christmas Day for the remainder of the Eastern Orthodox traditions, and for the Coptic Christian traditions (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon) and also for the Ethiopian Orthodox church - we wish any readers of those faiths a Merry Christmas.


Since it's Epiphany, Twelfth Night has come and gone - which is traditionally when Christmas decorations should be taken down. So ours are down and packed away until next Christmas. The room looks very big and very bare without them.

And I so did not want to go back to work yesterday...

I did want to see the comet - and I've been attempting for the last few nights, but it's been overcast. Tonight, however, it's clear. The moon is so bright that it's making it hard to see the stars. I did manage to spot it - fantastic (you'll need binoculars or a telescope unless you're somewhere where there is absolutely no light-pollution).

Bloody cold standing in the garden, in the dark, staring up at the sky though.


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