Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Spammers Suck

There aren't as many updates as usual tonight, I'm afraid. And I've probably missed quite a few because AO3 is still doing that annoying download restriction thing. I quite understand why they've felt it necessary to do this - they recently had a total tosser uploading a whole load of idiotic, pointless, spam posts - but it's a right PITA to work with.

I will never understand why people do these things. Spam sites, hack sites for "fun", create viruses, troll... what's the point?? If upsetting people, causing trouble, costing people time and money, destroying things other people have created or worked hard on, just because you can, is your idea of fun... well..

It's as mean, nasty, pointless, and stupid as those tossers who smash shop windows or destroy flower beds for "fun". It's not clever. It's not amusing. It's boring.

Get a life!!


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