Saturday, February 09, 2013

Still Reading?

So you continue to read? Well with that in mind if you find anything on the web you are reading (fanficton or female/female) and we are missing it do let us know as you can see over the last week or so T and I seem to be capturing less and less to share with you all. Are less people writing, what's with that? Got ideas, rambles, sites or just feel like sharing, holler back.

Peace, Health and Happiness.



Anonymous said...

Theres a great new Voyager Uber (j/7) on
password is 1944
She also has a lovely rizzles piece that just finished.
Its also password protected but there are helpful links that will tell you what it is.

UK said...

I definitely think that less people are writing and sharing their stories !


imrryr said...

I wouldn't say that less people are writing, but rather that people are changing the ways they share their stories with the world.

A lot of it is going to depend on the fandom (particularly, the demographics of that fandom), but I get the feeling that younger authors are relying more on self-upload sites like ao3. One of the benefits of ao3 in particular is that the upload is immediate and the posting process is fairly painless. Afterwards, you can link to your story through your social media account of choice (say, tumblr in my case) and all your friends get to read it the second it's done. Plus, with some practice, ao3's tagging system makes it fairly easy for anyone to find femslash in general as well as the specific pairing they're interested in reading about.

Not that there aren't downsides to all this, of course. For one, some people don't tag properly, and for another, there is no quality control whatsoever. So for the more popular fandoms you have to wade through a lot of stories that frankly should've been run through a couple dozen betas first.

Also, many of the places that have been around for a while (like BnF and P&P) have a sense of community that the post-it-yourself websites seem to lack, which is certainly a shame, though your mileage may vary.