Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Cold Makes My Bones Ache

It's a bit late, because given the time differences the 6th was yesterday not today for Kiwis, and I'm always a bit nervous about celebrations such as these, but - to our New Zealand readers - hope you had a good Waitangi Day.

Can't think of much to say tonight.I'm tired. My shoulder's killing me. Chiefly because of the weather - it's wonderfully clear, crisp blue skies, sunshine, and a bitterly cold wind that lowers the temperature about ten degrees. Which does nothing for the plates and bolts and breaks in my poor bones.

Went to the pictures this evening. Saw Django Unchained. I thought it was pretty good. Violent of course, graphically so, but it is Tarantino after all. At times the violence is so overdone it almost seems like a cartoon. Except that the film deals with slavery in the southern USA before their civil war. So it's brutal. And dehumanising. And that makes it real rather than cartoonish.

The film had some humour, too. Bits made me laugh. It was a better film than his last two or three.

Well, that's me done. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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