Tuesday, February 05, 2013

One Step Closer

The bill for marriage equality has passed its first reading in the House of Commons. On a free vote, at that. By a quite substantial majority.

Oh, it still has a long way to go to become law - it's up to the "another place" (the House of Lords) now. It seems set for a fairly turbulent time there.

But we're getting there. Step-by-step. Now all we need is for the USA to join us. One day we won't be second-class citizens.

Of course, there are still a great many countries in the world where LGBT people would love to be as high as second-class. Hell, they'd love to be as high as fourth or fifth!! But maybe, just maybe, if the countries of the EU, and the countries of North America, and one or two others, can be seen to - finally - treat all people as equal, then maybe the rest of the world will follow.

We can hope.


1 comment:

E said...

Hope hope hope...