Thursday, June 28, 2012


First up, thank you, John Roberts! The USA today made huge strides in actually getting decent health care for everyone, not just the middle and upper incomes. The Supreme Court actually did what was right.

Secondly, Ze, about time you treat yourself to a real laptop. Welcome to the current computing days. Enjoy...and Windows 7 rocks, do not remove it. Get use to it and you will realize how good it is.

Third the house is quiet. Tamara and the boys are in Oklahoma where it is 98 degrees currently. I am home with my daughter and a comfortable cloudy 65 degrees and a few rain showers due anytime. Unlike the flooding, fires or way to hot, Seattle and Shoreline are in the perfect zone for me. But I do miss T and the boys. There is something to be said about chaos. I will do my best to enjoy eleven days of peace.

Lots of sleep over the next four days with no work and no major plans. Easy days with just me and my kiddo. Hopefully my episode can float on by.

To the rest of you, enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.



Anonymous said...

I'm so used to bad news on the political front that I was honestly (and pleasantly) surprised about this decision.

Naturally, the rightwing is freaking out as expected; comparing Roberts to Hugo Chavez and saying this decision is the worst since Dred Scott (the case where the court ruled that slaves had no constitutional rights). By far the best reaction has been among conservatives who are vowing to move to Canada. That's right... people are vowing to move to a country with universal health care to escape universal health care. It all reminds me of Voltaire's famous quote: "I always made one prayer to God, a very short one. Here it is: 'O Lord, make our enemies quite ridiculous!' God granted it."

Tamara said...

I found that bit about Conservatives running to Canada to be very amusing. A surprising verdict is definitely an understatement. Now we will be inundated with even more hysteria about how Obama is taking away our freedom. Definitely time to avoid the news for a while.