Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Had Enough.

I know, I know, I said there'd be a story for you.

There will be, promise. But tomorrow.

Today I'm tired (didn't sleep much last night) and in pain (which was why I didn't sleep). My shoulder is killing me. Even the heavy-duty painkillers aren't touching it, and if Tramadol won't block it then nothing will.

It's nothing I've done (at least I don't think I have) it's just one of those days that comes along every so often to remind me that yes, I did have a serious accident a few years ago. And yes, I have got a bunch of plates & bolts in my shoulder. And yes, it will hurt on a regular basis.

It's astonishing how tired being in pain makes you. Can it stop now please?? I've had enough.

So I'm going to have another Tramadol and go to bed. See you tomorrow - hopefully better rested and in less pain.


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