Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Need a Light-Sabre

First - Corpus Christi tomorrow - wishing our Catholic readers an good feast day.

Second - apologies to Kali - yesterday when passing on the information she had sent I called her Kerry (as that was the email header) in error.

Third - BuffyFaith.Net is still down I'm afraid. So there are no updates to list from there. Which kind of meant there was very, very little for you tonight from our usual sites. (Just the one from MJ Duncan to be precise.) So I trawled around a few places we don't usually grab stuff from, so at least you'd have something to choose from. And then the RAOB updated, so there was a bit more. Still not a lot there though. Sorry about that.

I should have a decent ramble for you next week, if all goes well, (and, knowing me, an even better one if disaster strikes), as tomorrow I'll have a young trainee spending the day on site with me. It's half-term. Her mother said she could come out to play. It was a right bastard of a job getting all the permissions, but I got them!!

Of course, I'm going to spend the whole day referring to her as "my young apprentice", because I've always wanted to do that. I'll have to see if I can pick up a cheap toy light-sabre on my way to work...

Have a good week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.



Anonymous said...

The lack of Buffynfaith dot net truly makes me sad. When I was a femslash newbie it was the first archive devoted to such stories that I had ever seen. I felt like a kid in a candystore for months afterwards. So many wonderful fics...

Anyways, I remember hearing that their webmaster disappeared some time ago, so I'm afraid BnF might be down for a long while, if not permanently. I hope I'm wrong about that though :(

Tamara said...

You're such an old softie....

zero2aries said...

I am NOT a softie!!

I am a hard bastard. So there!!

I am merely making sure that the next generation will provide plenty of women construction workers... that's all.