Friday, December 16, 2011


So we got our nifty Domestic Partnership cards in the mail yesterday. Pretty darn quick too considering we went to the bank and had the papers notarized last Saturday (they went out that day too). No big ceremony for a Washington state domestic partnership registration...send them $50, fill out the form and voila! you're partnered. Not that E and I didn't feel partnered. I've had the form sitting by my desk for at least a year now and after our trip to urgent care a few weeks back I figured I'd better get on that domestic partnership thing. Nothing like having your loved one in the hospital and not being able to have a say in their care.

So now we're legal. In this state anyway. The cards won't matter in most states here in the land of the free. E doesn't expect that to change in our lifetime. Some days I feel that way too but other days I'm more hopeful. Sure the Republican candidates for President are loudly touting their promises to get a Constitutional Amendment in place that would guarantee that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. But I have faith that the young people in the US, who are faced more and more these days with LGBT folks in their lives, will make true marriage equality a reality. I believe that some day kids will be studying this in school and look upon it as a time that was strange and sad and wrong in our country.



docwho2100 said...

CONGRATS!!!! what a wonderful step for you two :)

E said...

Thanks for the good wishes.

Oddly enough for us I think this was more of a legal thing. Once Tamara moved to Seattle from Oklahoma in Aug 2008 that felt more like our full commitment.

But this is a nice thing with even a nifty card for legal issues.

And we do really appreciate all the nice things folks have said. So thank you again.