Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Getting Ready for the Let-down

The Post-Christmas let-down that is. The build-up is great. The excitement of Christmas. Christmas is brill!! Trouble is it doesn't last very long. Then it's all over and you have to wait a whole year for the next one.

Still, I can keep the bounce going for a bit longer. I can keep the fever until Twelfth Night. But then... boom... the let-down hits.

Got lots of pressies *g*. Except that this year I didn't get a single book. And that's really unusual. Because the one pressie I'm always pleased to see, and you can guarantee will be received with totally genuine enthusiasm and gratitude, is a book.

My cousin got me several cds I wanted. And some dvds. And a Spitfire. Not a real one of course. A die-cast metal model of a Mark VB in desert camouflage (North Africa Campaign 1941/42).

Some years ago Tamara sent me a die-cast model of a Dakota C-47 in RAF colours. It has stood proudly beside my model of a Mark-1 Spitfire (in Battle-of-Britain camouflage) ever since. However they've always looked a little off balance. Now there's a Spitfire on either side of the Dakota and it looks balanced - and pretty good. Dead chuffed.

My nephew also bought me some cds I wanted. My sister though... not only can she not fathom out an Amazon wish-list, or pick up careful hints about socks (I need some new, [black], ones for work) she apparently does not understand me at all!! She bought me oven gloves. Oven gloves... Me!!

She bought my nephew socks.

I bought my nephew Skyrim.

Ah well, it's the thought that counts. And I shouldn't be so ungrateful at least she thought enough of me to buy me a pressie. My brother didn't.

My other sister (in Australia) got me my usual, which I was pleased about, a renewal of my membership of Carlton.

I ate too much. And I think I'm sick of the sight of Christmas pudding. I may even be getting fed up with mince-pies!! But I'm having a great time. Anyone wanna play Trivial Pursuit??


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