Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ramble from Joan

Joan heard our cry for rambles and answered. Yay!
"Being dead takes getting used to." 1)

But then, I'm not dead. I'm worse -- undead.

I don't exist at all. Because... I no longer have a FaceBook account.

I can see the horror in your faces. I can see the question begin to take shape, "How on earth could that happen?"

No, I didn't post the picture of a nude person (which I know to be deadly sin). I did not insult any politician or religious leader. Not even Mr Zuckerberg, much as I have sometimes wanted to. Instead, I clicked on "Delete Account" (or some such) and vanished from the face of the world.

FaceBook was not sorry to see me go; there's still a gazillion of happy users there, most of whom are friends with most of the others.
With one mouseclick I sank into oblivion, or, as a Bhuddist might call it, nirvana. No longer am I treated to the rollercoaster ride of unanounced interface changes I was unable to make sense of, no longer do I walk the perilious maze of security settings with my heart racing.

It's calm out here, "floating in a most peculiar way". 2)

That's not to say that I have gone offline entirely. But, you see, I am a rather private person, despite my rambling here. There are things I want to share with my family, but not with my friends. I do have dirty little secrets, like (you won't tell on me, will you?) reading online lesfic, which I would rather not have my mother know, but want to share with like-minded felons. I much prefer to, ahem, 'circulate' information where I deem it appropriate.

So: Goodbye, FaceBook! I would like to say that it's been wonderful, but instead I'll just say thanks -- thanks, no.


Quotes from 1) lil' ol' me and 2) Bob Dylan.

Darn it. I'll miss Joan's picture posts. She has a wonderful eye and I love seeing photos of other countries. As for posts that are too personal...I don't post anything on Facebook I wouldn't want my mother to see (or for that matter, several aunts, an uncle, and a few cousins). But I do subscribe to the belief that there are some things you just shouldn't share on Facebook. Mostly on Facebook I play games. I post pictures of things we do. I share various liberal articles. And occasionally I blabber on about something random. Never anything my mother would be shocked to read. At least I don't think she's ever been shocked....


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