Tuesday, May 31, 2011


They're looking good. The ones on my allotment that is. Got some lovely broad beans already. Plenty of flowers on the dwarf french beans. And on the tomatoes. But once again none of the carrots have germinated. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, or which variety I choose, the most I'll ever get is half-a-dozen or so from a packet of 40 seeds.

We had some rain yesterday. Not enough to soak the ground. Just enough to dampen the surface really. And to make the lettuces bolt. We have about a dozen that need to be picked and eaten now. Right this minute. Anybody want a lettuce?? Or some basil for that matter, since that appears to have suddenly shot up. At least you can freeze basil. Lettuces don't freeze very well.

Went to see The Eagle on Sunday. I was a little apprehensive because it's a book I've loved since I was a kid and it's my experience that films never live up to your imagination. I was right to worry. Oh it's not a bad film. It's even (mostly) accurate as far as historical settings go, (mostly but not totally). It's an averagely decent action movie set in Roman Britain. It's just not the Eagle of the Ninth. They changed bits of the plot - for no apparent reason - and it kind of spoilt it.

I can recommend it as an action film. But not as a faithful adaptation. So - if you like Roman action movies and don't know the book - you'll like this film. But if you know and love the book - then skip the film. It'll disappoint you.


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