Friday, May 20, 2011

And...a little bit more of the P&P update for you tonight.....

I'm so lame. I spaced on posting this for Allaine yesterday.

I have a new show airing on Thursday, June 2nd.

3rd Season, 3rd Time - Xena Authors T. Novan and Ali Vali

Two years ago on this date, Femslash4Fans Radio had just taken its first few, crawling steps out of the primordial ooze of dead air. I had hosted a few "talk radio format" shows, but the first "interview" segment came weeks later on June 2, 2009. But now F4F embarks on the third year of its existence, and to mark the occasion of that first interview, it is perhaps only fitting that we host a third show on the "Xena: Warrior Princess" fandom. During the first two Xena shows I interviewed six of the best Xena fanfic/uberfic authors out there. That's not counting the individual Xena authors who have cropped up in one fandom discussion or another, from "Guiding Light" to "Bad Girls". Or those authors whose time spent in the Xena fandom marked the beginning of their varied fanfic histories, as they shifted effortlessly from one show to the next. All taken together, I've interviewed over a dozen different people whose names can be found at sites like the Academy of Bards or the Athenaeum. And you know, I've only scratched the surface. So tonight we'll be adding two more names to the list. T. Novan is the writer of the popular novel "The Claiming of Ford", as well as coauthor of the successful two-parter "Madame President" and "First Lady" along with Advocate. And Ali Vali is the creator of the "Amazonia" series, the Ramses/Sarah series, AND the Harry/Desi series. Our cohost for this evening will be Kim Pritekel, returning to this program for the first time since appearing as a guest, along with Susan X Meagher and D. Jordan Redhawk, on my last Xena show in 2010.

Sincerely, Allaine
Femslash4Fans Radio

You may have noticed that I've been running bits of the current Passion & Perfection update. Tomorrow night's update should conclude the series.


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