Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mutter, mutter, mutter

Grumpy today. Don't know why because I actually got home at a decent hour tonight (before 7pm.) It might be because my shoulder is killing me - slightly over-did things at work. Couldn't be helped, the work had to be done, and it had to be done today. Or it might just be because I'm a grumpy git.

I'm so grumpy in fact that I nearly carried out my, (oft promised but never put into practice because it would be unprofessional), private threat. The one I grumble to myself every time I do these updates. It goes something like, "The next story I report on where the writer doesn't seem to be able to find their shift key is going to be reported as 'I don't have a proper title because I'm too lazy to use capital letters at the start of words in my title', instead of the actual title of the fic."

Did I mention I'm a grammar diva?? *g*

Of course I could be grumpy because I haven't had a lot of sleep this week, having spent a fair bit of Saturday night and Sunday in the hospital. No, not me this time. My nephew. Let's just say I think my talent for chaos, injury, and destruction is genetic. Although his was self-inflicted - he was trying for a Darwin Award - mine are usually accidental or careless rather than deliberately stupid. And my accidents usually have a humorous side to them. Or a side that can be made humorous with time & distance. His was just worrying, stupid, and caused myself and my sister a great deal of panic when we got the call from the hospital.

He was at a barbecue at a friend's house and drank too much. (Isn't it funny how alcohol and stupidity so often go hand-in-hand). He had seen a trick on the TV where a (trained) stuntman blew alcohol across a lighted torch and created a flame. He decided he could do it. So he tried. He blew vodka onto a cigarette lighter. Into the wind.

He was bloody lucky. His face is burnt, he can't leave the house for a fortnight, he can never go out in the sun without very high factor sun-block, he'll never grow a full beard, but he won't need grafts and be won't scar.

Lesson - never, ever play with fire!!

Hope your week goes better. Stay safe. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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