Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nearly summer

It was another sunny day again today. Wish we could get a bit of rain. Can you believe it's almost June already?? Where's the year gone!!

Yet another bank holiday coming up this weekend. It's Whitsun. Although, in our secular society, neither Whitsunday nor Whitmonday accurately follow Ascension and Pentecost the way they used to, so the government refers to it as "Late Spring Bank Holiday". I'm not fond of that description. It sounds so bland and boring. Not to mention it's a lot longer than simply saying "Whitsun".

I usually like Whitsun because it tells me that it's nearly summer. This year however, we've had too many bank holidays in very short order, so it isn't quite as welcome. It just means another unpaid day.

There're plenty of other things to announce the fact that summer will be here in four weeks, Such as the swallows raising a brood of youngsters in the nearby tool barn. There were seven of the little buggers last year, there only seem to be five this time. They're currently in that ball-of-fluffy-helplessness-and-constantly-gaping-mouth stage. All too soon they'll be shuffling along the beam, getting ready for their first flight. They're so damn' cute!!

No swifts this year though. That's a shame. Ah well.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you


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