Tuesday, May 31, 2011


They're looking good. The ones on my allotment that is. Got some lovely broad beans already. Plenty of flowers on the dwarf french beans. And on the tomatoes. But once again none of the carrots have germinated. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, or which variety I choose, the most I'll ever get is half-a-dozen or so from a packet of 40 seeds.

We had some rain yesterday. Not enough to soak the ground. Just enough to dampen the surface really. And to make the lettuces bolt. We have about a dozen that need to be picked and eaten now. Right this minute. Anybody want a lettuce?? Or some basil for that matter, since that appears to have suddenly shot up. At least you can freeze basil. Lettuces don't freeze very well.

Went to see The Eagle on Sunday. I was a little apprehensive because it's a book I've loved since I was a kid and it's my experience that films never live up to your imagination. I was right to worry. Oh it's not a bad film. It's even (mostly) accurate as far as historical settings go, (mostly but not totally). It's an averagely decent action movie set in Roman Britain. It's just not the Eagle of the Ninth. They changed bits of the plot - for no apparent reason - and it kind of spoilt it.

I can recommend it as an action film. But not as a faithful adaptation. So - if you like Roman action movies and don't know the book - you'll like this film. But if you know and love the book - then skip the film. It'll disappoint you.


Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day in the US

Far too many are still dying...never forget.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Long Weekends

They work well for me. Money may not buy happiness, but hey I could accept a few more long weekends. We are enjoying our weekend with the kiddos. Been typical spring weather. Overall no complaints here.

Enjoy those updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness and reminder, tomorrow you have a new day to make it right!


Saturday, May 28, 2011


Time for an announcement from Claudia....
A very special book from Rogue Books . . . just in time for Memorial Day.

Dr. Tom’s War – A Daughter’s Journey by Lucia Viti brings to life the forgotten voices of the men who fought in Vietnam.

One fateful day while cleaning the attic, Lucia Viti stumbled upon a Harry & David fruit box filled with the remnants of her father’s tour of duty in 1967 as a Battalion Surgeon in An Hoa during the Vietnam War. Lucia became obsessed with a need to reconnect with the memories of her father and spent four years traveling across America, gathering stories from the Marines of the Second Battalion Fifth Marine Regiment, First Marine Division who served alongside her father.

This quest to learn about a Dr. Tom she never knew turned into a unique journey of discovery through the eyes of a very special brotherhood of young men. A journey that weaves the Marine esprit de corps with the horrors and humor of war with a first-hand, no-holds-barred perspective on combat life in Vietnam in 1967.

“Well told, in large measure through the gritty recollections of the men of the Second Battalion/Fifth Marines who lived them, the book details the daily sacrifices they made for each other, Corps, and Country.” — Gen. James T. Conway, USMC (Ret) 34th Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps

“Dr. Tom’s War – A Daughter’s Journey is a marvelous piece of detective work . . . Lucia Viti has skillfully and successfully placed the many pieces of the Viet Nam puzzle together.” — Jan K. Herman, Historian, Navy Medical Department, Washington, DC

“Dr. Tom’s War – A Daughter’s Journey is a must read for those who wish to experience The Vietnam War as a first-hand perspective from those who served on the front-line.” — James T. Denton, Actor/Desperate Housewives/Threat Matrix Musician/The Band From TV

For more information visit the Dr. Tom’s War Web site:

Dr. Tom’s War is available in paperback and in ebook editions. For more information and links to Kindle, Nook, and the Bedazzled Book Peddler visit: www.bedazzledink.com/drtomswar/drtom-buy.html


Y'all enjoy the update....


Friday, May 27, 2011

Long Weekend Ahead

I look forward to doing not much this weekend. The work week was going well until today, but hey at least I made it through. On to the long weekend we go.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Nothing Much

Tired tonight. I'm ready for my Friday. My good thoughts go out to everyone who has been in the path of severe weather. This season has been particularly nasty. Stay safe and heed those weathermen/weatherwomen.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nearly summer

It was another sunny day again today. Wish we could get a bit of rain. Can you believe it's almost June already?? Where's the year gone!!

Yet another bank holiday coming up this weekend. It's Whitsun. Although, in our secular society, neither Whitsunday nor Whitmonday accurately follow Ascension and Pentecost the way they used to, so the government refers to it as "Late Spring Bank Holiday". I'm not fond of that description. It sounds so bland and boring. Not to mention it's a lot longer than simply saying "Whitsun".

I usually like Whitsun because it tells me that it's nearly summer. This year however, we've had too many bank holidays in very short order, so it isn't quite as welcome. It just means another unpaid day.

There're plenty of other things to announce the fact that summer will be here in four weeks, Such as the swallows raising a brood of youngsters in the nearby tool barn. There were seven of the little buggers last year, there only seem to be five this time. They're currently in that ball-of-fluffy-helplessness-and-constantly-gaping-mouth stage. All too soon they'll be shuffling along the beam, getting ready for their first flight. They're so damn' cute!!

No swifts this year though. That's a shame. Ah well.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Long day

Ever noticed how it always happens that way?? If you have all the time in the world nothing goes wrong, nothing interrupts you, nothing takes longer than expected, and so you finish doing whatever it was in double-quick time. That's why I was fifteen minutes early for the bus this morning. And that's in addition to the fact that I was starting an hour earlier than normal this morning!! There aren't a lot of people on the bus at that hour.

And on the other hand, when you don't have a lot of time, or you're tired and hope things are simple, or that you can finish the task quickly, that somehow it doubles in size and time and you're late for everything. Which is why even though I started checking my sites earlier than normal, thinking to myself "I hope there's not a lot to check tonight because I'm knackered and could do with an early night." here I am - three hours later - still checking!!

(And yes I am aware of the many and varied ways those two paragraphs can be misread to produce an entirely unintended set of double meanings!!)

I'm knackered because, after a full day of labouring at work, I stopped off on the way home to do some digging on the allotment (and only just made it home in time for the Xena re-run!! Tonight's episode was the season one classic Callisto. We're leaving the less-than-stellar behind and moving into the better eps.).

We are desperate for rain. The allotment is so dry you can dig down for more than a spit-and-a-half without hitting even slightly damp soil. Not good for the spuds or the carrots. Of course - the long hot spell also means that the minute we do get some decent rain all the lettuces will bolt!! I think I might start a new lot of seeds off - just in case.

Quick announcement... Shatterstorm are inviting sign-ups for the Femslash Advent Calendar Dog Days of Summer 2011.

Oh and - unidentified writer in an unspecified fantasy Fandom - you don't know how lucky you are that I was in a better mood tonight than last Wednesday!!


Monday, May 23, 2011


Oddly enough my day went slowly and smoothly. Usually vacation implies hellish first day back, but not today. That was nice, wonder if the shoe drops tomorrow?

Okay tonight's update is more sane and now you all have lots you can read. Just go back a few days and I am sure there is something you missed.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Still more to read....

Tonight we have the last bit of the incredibly huge P&P update. Monday we're all headed back to work and school. This week begins our final four weeks of school. I know I speak for staff and students both...bring on the break.


Saturday, May 21, 2011


Vegas was fun. I have returned and none the richer for sure. A very good time was had by all and now I'm back to reality. I also need a little more sleep. And a lot less alcohol.

Tamara no longer has to to do all the links herself and we have gotten a bit more of the Passion and Perfection update for you this evening. We'll finish it up tomorrow (stay tuned you Women's Murder Club fans).

Until then, enjoy this update!

Peace, Health and Happiness to you all!


Friday, May 20, 2011

And...a little bit more of the P&P update for you tonight.....

I'm so lame. I spaced on posting this for Allaine yesterday.

I have a new show airing on Thursday, June 2nd.

3rd Season, 3rd Time - Xena Authors T. Novan and Ali Vali


Two years ago on this date, Femslash4Fans Radio had just taken its first few, crawling steps out of the primordial ooze of dead air. I had hosted a few "talk radio format" shows, but the first "interview" segment came weeks later on June 2, 2009. But now F4F embarks on the third year of its existence, and to mark the occasion of that first interview, it is perhaps only fitting that we host a third show on the "Xena: Warrior Princess" fandom. During the first two Xena shows I interviewed six of the best Xena fanfic/uberfic authors out there. That's not counting the individual Xena authors who have cropped up in one fandom discussion or another, from "Guiding Light" to "Bad Girls". Or those authors whose time spent in the Xena fandom marked the beginning of their varied fanfic histories, as they shifted effortlessly from one show to the next. All taken together, I've interviewed over a dozen different people whose names can be found at sites like the Academy of Bards or the Athenaeum. And you know, I've only scratched the surface. So tonight we'll be adding two more names to the list. T. Novan is the writer of the popular novel "The Claiming of Ford", as well as coauthor of the successful two-parter "Madame President" and "First Lady" along with Advocate. And Ali Vali is the creator of the "Amazonia" series, the Ramses/Sarah series, AND the Harry/Desi series. Our cohost for this evening will be Kim Pritekel, returning to this program for the first time since appearing as a guest, along with Susan X Meagher and D. Jordan Redhawk, on my last Xena show in 2010.

Sincerely, Allaine
Femslash4Fans Radio

You may have noticed that I've been running bits of the current Passion & Perfection update. Tomorrow night's update should conclude the series.


Thursday, May 19, 2011


E is having a blast in Las Vegas. I'm having fun catching up on my queued television shows at Hulu.com. The cats are ready for E to return. With me they don't get their breakfast at 4:30 am every morning.

Tomorrow we get another Friday. Yay!

I'll let you get to it....


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mutter, mutter, mutter

Grumpy today. Don't know why because I actually got home at a decent hour tonight (before 7pm.) It might be because my shoulder is killing me - slightly over-did things at work. Couldn't be helped, the work had to be done, and it had to be done today. Or it might just be because I'm a grumpy git.

I'm so grumpy in fact that I nearly carried out my, (oft promised but never put into practice because it would be unprofessional), private threat. The one I grumble to myself every time I do these updates. It goes something like, "The next story I report on where the writer doesn't seem to be able to find their shift key is going to be reported as 'I don't have a proper title because I'm too lazy to use capital letters at the start of words in my title', instead of the actual title of the fic."

Did I mention I'm a grammar diva?? *g*

Of course I could be grumpy because I haven't had a lot of sleep this week, having spent a fair bit of Saturday night and Sunday in the hospital. No, not me this time. My nephew. Let's just say I think my talent for chaos, injury, and destruction is genetic. Although his was self-inflicted - he was trying for a Darwin Award - mine are usually accidental or careless rather than deliberately stupid. And my accidents usually have a humorous side to them. Or a side that can be made humorous with time & distance. His was just worrying, stupid, and caused myself and my sister a great deal of panic when we got the call from the hospital.

He was at a barbecue at a friend's house and drank too much. (Isn't it funny how alcohol and stupidity so often go hand-in-hand). He had seen a trick on the TV where a (trained) stuntman blew alcohol across a lighted torch and created a flame. He decided he could do it. So he tried. He blew vodka onto a cigarette lighter. Into the wind.

He was bloody lucky. His face is burnt, he can't leave the house for a fortnight, he can never go out in the sun without very high factor sun-block, he'll never grow a full beard, but he won't need grafts and be won't scar.

Lesson - never, ever play with fire!!

Hope your week goes better. Stay safe. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


No, not the US state. It is, apparently, The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.

I don't know how well publicised this is, but personally I wouldn't have heard of it if a straight friend hadn't linked to a facebook page about it!! It seems to have begun in Canada and I expect it's reasonably well-known in parts of the USA too.

Of course it won't have an awful lot of impact on the people who really need to stop being bigots. The Ugandan government. Certain US states & politicians. Certain British (Northern Ireland in particular) politicians, etc.. Fundamentalist whackos of all persuasions who claim to have religious faith (which as a rule bears no relation to the precepts of whichever religion it is they claim to follow). The Iranian government. In fact the governments of any of the 75 or so nations where it's still illegal to be LGBT (might as well make it illegal to have blue eyes!!) and the 7 or 8 where it carries a death sentence.

But it's worth making a fuss anyway. Nothing changes unless you make it change.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Random Bits

I took today off to pack and pull my stuff together for my trip to Vegas. The plane leaves at 9 tomorrow, which means to the airport by around 7:30 am allowing my driver (Tamara) to miss her much loved Tuesday meeting.

If I have decent internet access (one never knows) I will perhaps post on either Thursday or Friday, otherwise I'll chat at you all next weekend.

Until then enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness and tonight throw in luck as I leave for the lucky city!


Sunday, May 15, 2011


After yesterday's burst of productivity today's slugdom was welcomed by all. The boys and I went to see Thor. It was my delayed Mother's Day present to myself. Duncan was ambivalent about the movie but Cal and I liked it. I'm a sucker for any comic book movie though.

Tomorrow E starts her vacation. Tuesday she'll head to Las Vegas for the week. Tomorrow she'll pack. I will be at home all week with just the cats...all 5 of them. It's going to be odd having the whole house to myself.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spring Lives

Today reminded me why this is absolutely my favorite season. Sun breaks, drops of rain and 62, what more could I want?

We did a bunch of gardening, got the tomatoes in as Tamara did some weed whacking on the steep hill and pulled a ton of dandelions from the strawberry area.

Tamara and the kids even got out and washed her big blue van and all three kiddos took the opportunity to jump happily about on the trampoline.

Overall it was a great day. The clouds are rolling in for tomorrow but no complaints as we got a perfect Saturday.

Hope you all enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Blogger was down most of yesterday so we didn't get the update posted to the site until this afternoon. We did mail it out to the Yahoo group (there's a handy dandy sign-up spot a wee bit down to the right) last night, however.

Our weekend looks to be full of rain. I'm hoping we get a little sun tomorrow so we can plant some flowers on the hillside behind the house. Even if it is raining I reckon I'll get up there but it'll be a lot messier of a job.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Almost Friday

Vacation is in my radar. One more day of work and I have another week off. I could really get used to this vacation thing. I hope the sun continues to share with us for the next few days as some yard work is necessary.

Seems Blogger is unahppy today, so this update may shoot to Yahoo groups only until they fix the issue.

Enjoy those updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness
