Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fun Day

The sun was shining and our afternoon was filled with fun. We were able to check out the Seattle Pinball Museum. The name may be slightly misleading as it is really a pinball hall. Has about 35 machines from early times with years, names and notes posted above each of them. They even have a few new ones as well. Nothing but pinball and for someone like me that is splendid! It is a cost at the door and then free play on all the machines, it was great.

So if you ever get the chance I highly recommend it. And holler if you do because I would definitely be willing to try and set up another visit. It is located in the international district of Seattle that is filled with lots of nifty stores. One is Pink Gorilla Games another blast from the past as they sell video games and consoles from the beginning to now. And when in the area one must visit Uwajimaya as it is always a splendid treat.

So overall a fun day was had by all.

Now back to your updates, enjoy!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, April 29, 2011


Yay! It's Friday! Just in time for Allaine's new show:

"The Good Wife" and Better Lesbian - Kalicia Author SSJL

Tonight Femslash4Fans Radio discusses a small but growing fandom from one of the more popular dramas to air on television over the past couple years. "The Good Wife" may spend a lot of time focusing on the romantic sorta-triangle between main character Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies), her husband Peter (Chris Noth), and her boss Will Gardner (Josh Charles), but some of us prefer to focus on the underlying chemistry between Alicia and the lovely Kalinda Sharma (Emmy-winner Archie Panjabi), a bisexual private investigator who works at Alicia's law firm. The Alicia/Kalinda pairing, or "Kalicia" as it's sometimes called, hasn't exploded the way pairings from shows like "Glee" has, but it has a great deal of potential if "TGW" can maintain its ratings for years to come. We'll be talking with an author who has been among the most successful and prolific exploring that potential. SweetJamieLee (AKA SSJL) is best-known for her many stories about the het pairing of Booth/Brennan from "Bones", but recently she's become a lot more involved in "TGW" with her six-part series "A Mile for the Journey". We'll talk about why she switched from the still-airing "Bones", where she sees Alicia and Kalinda going in the series, and what more we might see from her.

Sincerely, Allaine
Femslash4Fans Radio

Y'all have a great weekend.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Where is the weekend?

Been a serious reminder this week why long vacations have repercussions. Work has been special in that not fun way. One more day, I can do it. Here is hoping you all are doing well and are safe. May the weather return to normal for all.

Be safe. Enjoy your updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Birthdays, Beltane, and Summer.

First things first - revenge is sweet *g*... It's my fellow grunt's birthday today and I'm sure you'll all want to join me in wishing her a very happy one - so Elisa, mate...


In other news... the weather is still absolutely glorious. I'm enjoying it as much as possible because chances are it won't last and we'll have another soggy summer. Summer's on it's way (yeah I know it's still only the middle of spring but still...) because the house martins have been back for a week and today I saw a pair of swallows. Still no swifts yet, though. I'll know it's really almost summer when the swifts return.

Speaking of spring/summer - this coming weekend is Beltane (in the northern hemisphere anyway, Samhain in the southern) so for our pagan readers Good Beltane/Samhain to you all.

Not a lot to read tonight - but enjoy your updates anyway. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Short week whinge.

Hell...short fortnight whinge.

Bank holiday for Good Friday, bank holiday for Easter Monday, bank holiday for that damn' wedding, and then a bank holiday for Mayday/International Workers' Day. A four-day-week, followed by a three-day-week followed by a four-day-week. Very nice if you're employed and get paid for bank holidays. Sucks if you're self-employed and don't. It's all right for all that lot at the wedding - they don't want for cash.

If they absolutely had to have another bank holiday couldn't they have had it later in the year - July maybe. The cynic in me says they're only having a royal occasion because the Tories always do something like that when they need to distract us from the mess they're making of the welfare system. The double-cynic in me says that it's no coincidence that the local elections (city & county councils) are on 5th May. Are they hoping for a so-called "feel good factor" to carry over from the celebrations and persuade us all to vote for them??

Not gonna happen. It kind of telling that there are so few applications for street-party licences this time around. There were close to one hundred times as many for the Queen's Golden Jubilee a few years back.

And as far all the over-priced, second-rate tat that passes for souvenirs... junk the lot of it. I want one of those Harry/Kate mugs though. They'll probably be the only thing worth money in years to come. None of the Charles & Diana stuff, or the Silver Jubilee stuff, is worth much.

I had a bone china mug (from Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee) as a kid, that my grandmother gave me. That was worth something. I know it was because my mother sold it to buy booze and she got enough money for it to buy a whole case of vodka.

I'm staying as far away from a TV as is possible on Friday. I think I'll got for a hike on Dartmoor - as long as it isn't still on fire... there was a grass fire over the weekend - 2.5km long by 200m deep - we've had unseasonably dry weather and unusually hot temps.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Successful First Day

E, the kids and I all made it through our first day back. Unfortunately E had over 800 emails to slog through. My student was in a fine mood although I can still tell he's sick of school. Afternoon work sessions can be a little dicey. The kids all had a successful Monday at their respective schools.

We had a delicious smoked turkey for dinner courtesy of Nana Gayle. Leftover turkey is a surefire way to get me to look forward to my usual sandwich lunch.

Tomorrow is my least favorite day of the week...Tuesday. We have a 7:25 meeting every Tuesday and it kicks my ass every time. I much preferred meeting every two weeks on a Friday. At least getting to work an hour earlier on a Friday you could always get some solace out of the fact that at least it was Friday. I hope the crew who works next year doesn't vote for a weekly meeting and if they do, please make it on Friday.


Sunday, April 24, 2011


As Sunday night arrives work is on the horizon. I enjoyed my two full weeks off and now I must return. Even with that I am so lucky as I spent all that time with the ones I love most. And on top of it, I have a job to return to Monday, which will offer me another vacation in less than a month. Yep, life may not be perfect as nothing is, but in the big picture, I have a lot and I am thankful for that and for them.

Enjoy your updates.

Here is hoping each of you has a splendid week and I will ramble at you Thursday.

May Peace, Health and Happiness find you all.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Stories Galore

The Athenaeum updated...yay! You have a decent amount to read tonight so I'll let you get to it.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

For those who celebrate this day, may it be splendid. For the rest of you, it's still go see what's out there. For me it is the last official day of vacation. Two weekend days and than back to it on Monday. Let me say without a doubt two vacations are truly nifty.

This was my first one in years and it felt great! Spending the last few days kid-less with Tamara has been very fun as well. One and a half more days of ease and than back to Life as we know it.

Here is hoping you all have a great weekend! Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness to All!


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ramble from Allaine

And now we've got a cool bit of hype from Allaine about Femslash4Fans Radio.

Basically the object of the show is primarily to allow talented, experienced authors of lesbian fan fiction to talk about their craft in a setting that comes pretty close to actually being on your car radio. Since fan fiction is technically copyright violation to a lot of people, we occupy a somewhat grey area, and I think that's one reason why I don't hear many authors like us showing up on C-Span. As someone who himself wrote femslash fanfic for over nine years, I always wanted to be the subject of an interview, and I imagine many other authors also would enjoy that kind of recognition.

Currently Femslash4Fans Radio, which has been on the air for almost two years, typically airs live on every other Thursday. Most shows have 2-3 fanfic authors from a specific popular fandom in the lesbian community - Xena, Law & Order:SVU, Guiding Light, Grey's Anatomy, etc. The length of the show can be anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours, depending on the number of guests. Occasionally I speak with an individual author who has produced a substantial amount of work in multiple fandoms. And I've also expanded the show's focus to talk with other people involved in the creation of original lesbian-oriented fiction that can only be found on the Internet. That includes webseries and fanfic archives.

Listeners have the choice of tuning in live, when they can also participate in the chatroom or call the show with a question of their own. Or they can download an .mp3 copy of the show after it airs.

And this is the information for the next show, which airs a week from Thursday on April 28th, and which can be found on the homepage.

Boldly Going - "Star Trek: Voyager" Author GL Dartt

Tonight Femslash4Fans Radio airs the latest in an occasional series of interviews with individual authors. Normally we focus on specific fandoms and speak to multiple authors from that fandom, but every now and then, we have a guest who has written, and written wellm in so many fandoms that we can't limit the discussion to a single fandom. Past guests have included Fembuck, Della Street, Sharon Bowers, and Harper. This time we're privileged to have on author GL Dartt, who is probably best known for her massive body of work for Star Trek: Voyager, featuring the Janeway/Seven pairing. Dartt's stories include the "Just Between" and "Millenium" series, BOTH of which were so long that they had to be broken out into multiple seasons. But Dartt has also written in several other fandoms, including several Bianca/Reese stories from All My Children, the Helen/Nikki series "After Larkhall" from Bad Girls, and a number of Xena: Warrior Princess stories including the two-parter "Enemy Mine/Enemy Ours". Oh, and she also found time to publish two original novels, "Unexpected Sparks" and "Unexpected Ties". We'll find time to discuss it all. Joining us will be my cohost Dreiser, who has herself performed extremely well on this show several times as both cohost and guest.

Sincerely, Allaine
Femslash4Fans Radio

This is a really cool project. Hopefully all you Femslash addicts will give Allaine a listen.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bah, spam.

Blimey. I need to sort out my spam folder. I've just noticed I have 564 unread messages in there!! And I bet at least two-thirds of them are offers to increase the size, girth, or power of a body part I don't possess. I'll have to check them all, I can't just "purge" the lot because I have a vicious spam-blocker and odds are that there's at least 20 to 30 legitimate emails sitting there - ones I actually want or need to read. And probably I have a bewildered friend or two sitting somewhere wondering why I haven't replied to their message!!

Damn. I really don't want to do that. Check all those emails. But that's why I have so many to check. Because when there were a couple of hundred I looked at it and thought "I really don't want to do this". So I didn't. And then at around 300 or so I looked at it again and thought "I really don't want to do this". So I didn't.

And now - I have to do it soon because it's not going to get any better, and I really, really, don't want to be looking at it with over 1000 in there!! Oh well, I suppose I'd better grasp the nettle and do it.

Have a good Easter folks. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

RIP Sarah Jane

Some sad news for fans of Dr Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures - Elisabeth Sladen passed away today, from cancer, aged 63. Way too young.

Ok - I doubt we have any readers who are Jains but just in case, belated Good Mahavir Jayanti to you.

I'm positive, however, that we have a great many readers who are Jewish, so - Good Passover to you all.


Monday, April 18, 2011


Our Monday seemed that way to me. We putzed about and slugged out most of it. We got to Costco and Lowes for some more yard stuff. The season is now and I have the time, so will hopefully get more sunshine to be able to get out there and do some yard work. I could possibly today, however we are taking this late afternoon/early evening to go see Jane Eyre before is slips out of the theaters.

Looks like another slow update, but hey, this gives you plenty of time to check the older updates and also remember to give those authors feedback.

Here is hoping you all have a great week and I will ramble once again at the end of the week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, April 17, 2011


Today we finally got our tiny garden planted. The last time we did one the snap peas, zucchini and lettuce did the best so we stuck with those. Skipped the carrots and green beans. We did add some peppers to the mix. Not hot ones...just peppers. They may not work out but I wanted to give it a shot.

This week it'll just be me and E. That's going to be odd. Usually I see the kids before and after school but with this being Spring break that won't happen. What will we do this week? Nothing much. We have a few chores to tackle. I'll probably use the no kids opportunity to mop the floors and give the bathroom a good scrubbing.

I'd like to see Jane Eyre while we're kid free. E is about the only one I could drag to see this with me. Although she should like it...I consider it grand chick flick material.

Light update tonight...enjoy 'em.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Slow Saturday

We putzed around a bit...did some yard work, shopping and egg dying. An all around easy day. Tomorrow is looking to love vacations.

Here is hoping you all are having it swell as well!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Made It

Sring break begins for me and the kids. Finally.

Small update tonight. Hopefully the sites will outdo themselves tomorrow.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Home Once Again

Our quick trip to Port Townsend was splendid. I am, however, very tired and glad to be home. If you are interested in seeing the pictures holler at me and I can share them.

Now back to the updates, enjoy!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Common Language

Definitely divided by!!

There's a book I've read a couple or three times (originally read it as a web story but bought the book when it was finally published) set in the wilderness in Alaska. In it one of the M/Cs (who seems to be as big a coffee addict as I am) mentions that she takes special coffee along on her treks, made from beans she grinds herself (not something we do a lot here - most coffee is bought ready-ground, and sealed in vacuum packs). In the same conversation she says she takes a French Press. I had no idea what one of those was, but I assumed from the context that it was some handy little gadget she used to grind the beans.

Even to a coffee nut like me that seemed a hell of a lot of trouble to go through - especially on a camping/kayaking wilderness trip. I didn't think to look it up because it wasn't that different. It's not the totally different words that cause the problems - if it's not familiar you have to look it up. Words like diaper (nappy to us Brits) or pacifier (dummy to us) make no sense in British English, so if you haven't already learnt them from tv you look them up.

No, it's the familiar words, the ones that do seem to make sense that cause the most problems, Because you think you know what they mean and it isn't until you reach a point where you stop and go "WTF??" that you realise they aren't what you thought. False friends they're known as. Like "biscuit", or "subway", or "pants". It doesn't just happen with the different English dialects. It happens in other, close-neighbour, languages too. Like Dutch/German, or Spanish/Portuguese (a Portuguese friend once almost came to blows with a Spanish chap who thought he'd complimented her - but the Spanish word he used was an dire insult in Portuguese!!)

Anyway - there I was, bumbling along quite happily, thinking I knew what it was, and then I read another book where the character brewed a coffee in a French Press. OK. Not something to grind the beans then. But what the hell was it?? Not a percolator - coz I'm pretty sure Americans use the same word for that. A filter machine then?? Nope, don't think so - I bought a cheap (amazingly cheap) one of those once, in Burbank, and I'm sure it wasn't called that. What then??

I gave up and Googled it.

On for pete's sake!! A cafetiere!! Well why didn't you say so?? Now it made sense. Yeah, I could see taking a cafetiere with you - especially if you get a travel one.

Ah well, one day we'll all speak the same dialect. Probably based on present-day American. (Or Chinese). Until then, you Yanks aren't 'arf confusing.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I nearly wasn't here to update for you this week.

It began on Sunday...

It was another gloriously sunny day. So I decided to do some gardening, I've been so busy doing other people's gardens (my sister's, my old lady friend, etc,) I've neglected ours. So I decided to mow the lawn. Let's just say I'm so glad I fitted a circuit breaker.

I have repaired the lead but it's a wee bit shorter than it used to be.

Deciding the garden was a dangerous place I came indoors to do some tasks around the house. I repaired the broken light fitting in my bedroom (without incident). Swept and mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned the bathroom, etc. Then I noticed how dirty the kitchen windows were. I decided to clean them. Standing on a chair to do so. A wooden chair. On a wet tile floor.

The chair - naturally - slid. I over-balanced. I put out my left hand to save myself (I can't afford to fall onto my right shoulder if I don't want to completely lose the use of my bad arm). There was a glass on the counter. I use the word "was" deliberately. It is no more. I have a rather large slice missing from my left index finger, it took 2 hours to stop bleeding.

It was at this point my cousin decided her nerves could stand no more. She ordered me to stop doing things. She informed me that I wasn't safe to be allowed to tie my own shoes unsupervised and I should sit down and not move a muscle. Ever again. I sort of agreed with her.

I decided that doing housework was far too hazardous. I spent the rest of the day sitting in the sunshine, drinking coffee, and reading one of my new (birthday present) books. Much safer.

They say hard work never killed anyone. I beg to differ. It might just kill me at this rate.


Monday, April 11, 2011


Have at it.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Real Vacation Begins

Monday is the start of two weeks of not wearing khakis. I get to live in jeans nd I totally look forward to it. Nice day of nothing tomorrow and then Tuesday we head to the ferry to shoot us over Puget Sound and we continue our adventure and drive on to Port Townsend. We most likely will stop at Port Gamble for some sightseeing fun. Pictures upon our return on Thursday...if interested, email me.

Now back to the regularly scheduled programming. Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, April 09, 2011

Lazy Day

E and I saw True Grit last night. It was quite good. Now I want to read the book.

Today we ran a few errands including picking up my comics. I spent a huge chunk of the afternoon doing my checkbook. It takes so long because I do other things at the same time. Yes, I do so adore balancing my checkbook.

The big money shuffle will be done tomorrow. The budget must be tweaked and E can attest to the fact that I also adore that. It's a good thing she has a pure math degree.

Livejournal is acting hinky tonight. Hopefully tomorrow we'll have more for you.


Friday, April 08, 2011


I have waited for this day for a while. Vacation awaits me. The sun is actually shining (rain returns later tonight) and I am home. Tamara and I are going to a movie tonight and then have no big plans for the weekend. [I have to pick up my comics on Saturday. -- TJH] I like that a lot.

As for the update, I spaced on Passion and Perfection Tuesday's update, so you have more P&P to read this evening. Enjoy.

Peace, Health and Joy for all!


Thursday, April 07, 2011

Kid Free Week

Well, the kid free week hasn't been too odd. It's not like I don't get to see the boys every day after school. Cal I see before school too since I drop him off on my way to work.

Next week is my last week before Spring Break. E and little e are on Spring Break this coming up week. The boys will be jealous. I'll be a little jealous but I like my job so it will be jealousy about not being able to sleep in.

P&P updated but it wasn't a huge one. You do have a nice variety anyway.


Wednesday, April 06, 2011

The sun is a-shining to welcome the day...

...with a hey ho come to the fair.

Well, after grumbling yesterday that the weather had been bad, today was glorious. Brilliant sunshine, a gentle breeze. And I got to work outside, in the country, with birds singing, rolling hills, sheep in the field, a stream nearby which definitely qualified as "a babbling brook". And the forecast for the rest of the week is just as good. In fact it should be (the unseasonably warm) 19 or 20c tomorrow. Ah life is good.

Loads of work coming up, too. I may actually begin to be able to not only pay my bills but also start saving again. Which would be great. Because if I can scrape together enough airfare there's a couple of reprobates in Seattle I've promised to visit as soon as I can. And some good friends in Texas I'd like to see again. Here's hoping!!

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Fools, Dogs and Sundry

First - quick note. LiveJournal has been having a lot of problems lately with DDOS attacks. A fair few of these links go to LiveJournal communities. If you get a "timed out" notice when clicking on a link then it's probably because of this. (In case you're not familiar with DDOS attacks - don't worry - nothing is attacking you or your computer. Just LJ's servers.) Clear your cache, wait a wee while and try again. And curse all hackers, spammers, virus makers, & general PITAs as you do so.

Other than that I haven't a clue what to ramble about tonight. The weather turned cool & wet again. (Well it is April - April Showers & all that.) Nobody played any stupid jokes on me for All Fools' Day, which is just as well because I'm not overly keen on those sort of jokes. It's been my experience that "pranks" usually mean people get hurt, physically or emotionally. And I've never been able to understand why it's considered wrong to break somebody's leg but perfectly ok - funny even - to make them look like a complete fool, or embarrass the hell out of them. It hurts just as much and lasts longer. I like my April Fool jokes to be a little more gentle. The Spaghetti Harvest for instance.

I've been browsing the Golden Retriever Rescue website. I think I'm almost ready to adopt another dog companion. I looked at the RSPCA & Blue Cross site but they mostly have terriers. And while I have nothing against terriers, when you re-home a rescue dog you never know what its history is. And my cousin has 4 cats. She'd kind of like to keep them. Terriers (especially Jack Russells) are notorious for their anti-cat attitude. Golden Retrievers are much more predictable. You really, really, really have to work hard to make a Goldie vicious. They're such softies. Besides - I've always had Goldies or collies and I like them.


Monday, April 04, 2011

4 Days and Counting...

Vacation is a lovely thing. This will be my first that is longer than one week in over 3 years and I totally look forward to it. One week with the kiddo and her spring break and a couple nights in Port Townsend up by the San Juan Islands. Then one week of adult only time with Tamara. Time with Tamara with no children has been very little since she moved up here and this will be our first us only vacation (even though it is a staycation).

Hence so much to look forward to...anyone want to send us rambles so we don't have to come up with stuff to mumble about? Feel free to please!

Peace, Health and Happiness and so much more.


Sunday, April 03, 2011

Back to it....

The weekend is over. Time for a full week of work/school for me and the kids. E is very excited because she has this week of work and then she gets two weeks off. One of those weeks I'll have off as well for Spring Break but she's more than ready to lord it over me when she's off and I go into work. Isn't love grand?

Y'all enjoy the updates.


Saturday, April 02, 2011


The day went well. Easy and fun all around. Tamara and the kids checked out a movie and Duncan and I relaxed at home. Later in the afternoon Tamara and I took the kids (minus Duncan) to a park where we fed ducks and relaxed while the young'uns played.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, April 01, 2011

April 1

It's April Fools' Day and the kids and I had the day off school. If I remember correctly we had this day off last year too. I'm beginning to suspect the school district does that on purpose.

If I were truly in the spirit of the day I should have my words be something along the lines of this being the final post for Uber Etc. E brought up another good one...I'm leaving E and remarrying Mike. But I'm boring so instead you're getting this.

If any pranks were pulled on you today, here's hoping they weren't too mean-spirited and you got a good laugh out of it. Enjoy the update.
