Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 End

The day brings light, the month brought growth and the year brought change. It flew by with lots of pieces I really do not need to repeat. I would not say it was one of the better years and yet it was. I have my family (T and kids), I have a job and we have a house we actually own (well kind of). In life what standard or ruler do we use to note whether it is good or not? Sometimes I think we are pretty damn tough judges. Tonight not so much.

Thinking about all this and what a year we had, I realized all that crap does not matter in the big picture as the important stuff is still right here safe and sound. So on the close of this Eve, I Wish You All the Best and may your Year ahead be Splendid.

Thank You to each of You!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, December 30, 2011


Today the kids and I went to see Hugo. Lovely film...good for kids and adults. I'm not a big fan of 3d but Mr. Scorcese used the medium well...nothing flashy and over-the-top just solid storytelling.

Tomorrow I'll get Cal to help me tidy. We've got to prepare for the New Year's Day feast.

Y'all enjoy the update.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ramble from Joan

Yippee, ramble night! Take it away, Joan!

Stealing is good. There, I said it. And before you start throwing sharped-edged things my way, let me add: sometimes.

It is, of course, not good to deprive anybody of anything. This iscertainly the case, when someone takes possession of physical
things, like a car, or a TV set. The former owner will have to do without. And without his/her consent. Not good, period.

Things get a little more interesting when you can steal something without depriving the owner. Software, for instance. You don't take anything away, you just copy it. Microsoft Word (shudder!), Photoshop... If you run them without the consent of their owners, you are stealing. But just what are you stealing? The hopes of revenue, certainly. The keyword, however, is "hope". By no means are the companies entitetled to that revenue, just like you have no right to benefit from the work that went into creating the thing first of all. No rights all around (and you might guess that I don't take a lawyer's view here), so -- stalemate.

Much of the same goes for fiction. If you copy one of my stories
(you're welcome, by the way), you don't deprive me of the story.
It's still mine. I might (but don't) hope to make a living with
what I write -- that hope has absolutely no bearing on you.

All of that, however, is petty theft. When you come to think of
stealing ideas, we're right there where stealing is good. I was
recently asked to write a review for "Ruth Gogoll's Christmas Carol". Gasp! Ms. Gogoll "stole" Charles Dickens' story! I, for one, am happy she did.

In science, the "stealing" of ideas is thought of as "standing on the shoulders of giants". At a rather high level, stealing is good.

Yes, Ze will probably pull my head off for this. So mote it be!

LOL...there you have it. Always good to hear from you, Joan...even in controversy. Thank you for sharing.

Enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Correction: Yesterday I listed a story as "original" - In Search of Kringle by D. This was an error - I've corrected yesterday's entry but, just in case, I'm listing it again today. It's multi-fandom. CSI:Vegas; CSI:NY; L&O:SVU; Xena; Nikki & Nora; Wonder Woman; Facts of Life; Stargate; BoP; Popular; etc. etc. In fact, about the only person who doesn't appear is Uncle Tom Cobley - at least - I don't think he and Tam Pierce's grey mare are there, but I haven't finished it yet so there's still time!!

Got "Thank you for the presents" text messages from my nieces today. (Whatever happened to writing??) I sent them books for Christmas. Sent my brother a book too. Cds & dvds for my sisters. The same for my cousin - plus a cinema gift voucher. And a book. Books make good presents.

I don't go back to work until 3rd Jan. And I'm bored already. A couple of extra days off is great - but a week?? Time off in the winter is always more difficult than in spring or summer. I was going to tidy up the garden - dead-head a few dianthus, prune the fuchsias - that sort of thing. But the weather forecast was wrong - it wasn't sunny, it chucked it down. I decided to read The Prisoner of Zenda again instead. I might read Rupert of Hentzau tomorrow (mentally changing the ending as I usually do). I might even read The Count of Monte Cristo - I've got that two-volume edition I rescued a couple of months ago...

Can't go wrong with a good book.

It'll be 2012 before I'm with you again so I'll wish you all a Happy New Year. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Getting Ready for the Let-down

The Post-Christmas let-down that is. The build-up is great. The excitement of Christmas. Christmas is brill!! Trouble is it doesn't last very long. Then it's all over and you have to wait a whole year for the next one.

Still, I can keep the bounce going for a bit longer. I can keep the fever until Twelfth Night. But then... boom... the let-down hits.

Got lots of pressies *g*. Except that this year I didn't get a single book. And that's really unusual. Because the one pressie I'm always pleased to see, and you can guarantee will be received with totally genuine enthusiasm and gratitude, is a book.

My cousin got me several cds I wanted. And some dvds. And a Spitfire. Not a real one of course. A die-cast metal model of a Mark VB in desert camouflage (North Africa Campaign 1941/42).

Some years ago Tamara sent me a die-cast model of a Dakota C-47 in RAF colours. It has stood proudly beside my model of a Mark-1 Spitfire (in Battle-of-Britain camouflage) ever since. However they've always looked a little off balance. Now there's a Spitfire on either side of the Dakota and it looks balanced - and pretty good. Dead chuffed.

My nephew also bought me some cds I wanted. My sister though... not only can she not fathom out an Amazon wish-list, or pick up careful hints about socks (I need some new, [black], ones for work) she apparently does not understand me at all!! She bought me oven gloves. Oven gloves... Me!!

She bought my nephew socks.

I bought my nephew Skyrim.

Ah well, it's the thought that counts. And I shouldn't be so ungrateful at least she thought enough of me to buy me a pressie. My brother didn't.

My other sister (in Australia) got me my usual, which I was pleased about, a renewal of my membership of Carlton.

I ate too much. And I think I'm sick of the sight of Christmas pudding. I may even be getting fed up with mince-pies!! But I'm having a great time. Anyone wanna play Trivial Pursuit??


Monday, December 26, 2011

Ouch (But Nothing Like Ze's Ouch)

Not much to say tonight thanks to a killer sinus headache. Enjoy the update.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Day of Indulgence

Ours was filled with interesting information. We had a nice leisurely wake up and then off to grab our kids. First up my daughter, then off to pick up the boys. All in all another day of amazement.

Upon our return home it was time to open the gifts. I think everyone is happy. Just in time as our ham lunch/dinner was ready to be eaten. Now a quiet evening lays ahead.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hype and an Answer!

Something to look forward to....
This Thursday December 29, share in the best of the year that was... The "2011 Year in Review" episode of "Readings in Lesbian & Bisexual Women's Fiction" starts at 8 pm Eastern!

If you're not sure whether you want to listen live, here's a temptation: FREE BOOKS. I have 7 books and 7 ebooks to give away. For a 120-minute show, that's one book every ~8 minutes (I'll announce every 15 minutes giving away one of each). So be sure to tune in and nab yourself a late present for the holiday season.

Lara Z
Host of "Readings in Lesbian& Bisexual Women's Fiction"

As for the question from a reader about Lost Girl. I have to admit I wasn't even aware that Lost Girl was a television show. I thought she was referring to a story. One kind reader sent the suggestion that plenty of Lost Girl fiction can be found at

If anyone knows of a Lost Girl specific site, sent it our way. We'll check it out. Those sites we check that are multi-fandom just don't seem to be getting any Lost Girl fiction. Although tonight Passion & Perfection had one.


Friday, December 23, 2011


Looking in one sees so much. I have Tamara and the kids and a lot of cats. We have the house, our jobs and that is so much more than many out there. I am hoping 2012 can bring me toward a bit more stable health situation, but once again looking around I must remind myself to be Thankful. I have Love, Joy and Happiness and there is not perfection in life so this ain't bad.

We continue to struggle in hopes of someday being able to buy a bigger house. Sadly during that wait we have dumped more money into the current one. 2011 has been a bit trying and yet we come through knowing another day is on the horizon bringing more unknowns our way. Here is hoping they bring Peace.

The holiday stands in front of us. I am off work and we will have a quiet day tomorrow putting together the last touches and filling those stocking for those we love. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend whether you celebrate this holiday or another.

See Truth it awaits us all.

Enjoy the update!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Anyone? Anyone?

A follower of UE emailed me to ask a question and I had absolutely no clue what the answer would be. So I'm asking you out there. Perhaps someone will know.
"Hi - I'm curious. None of the X/G, Voyager sites I still check on seem to have noticed Lost Girl. Is there a reason for this? -- Inga"

If anyone can help Inga on this one just send me an email and I'll pass it along.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ba-ba-ba-ba-Barbara Ann

Tomorrow is the solstice - Good Yule/Litha to our Wiccan and Pagan readers.

The rest of the schools broke up today. Most of them broke up last Friday but there were a few still open until today. Haven't been bothered by kids though. The site is too dangerous to leave open now, so it's well fenced off. Plus the fields leading to it are too muddy. Heavy plant churns the mud up something chronic. In fact we haven't seen the kids at all. We arrive too early (just about daybreak) and leave too late (just after sunset) so they're not around.

I did see young Barbie - sorry Barbara - yesterday. I was late getting to work because of my check-up and she was hanging over her garden gate, swinging to & fro, looking bored. (I have to pass their cottage on my way from the bus-stop). I stopped to say hello. Her mother popped her head out when she heard voices. "Oh, it's you," she said. "Barbie's been hoping to see you. Would you like a mince-pie??"

Would I like a mince-pie?? Too bloody right I would!!

Barbara ran in and brought me one, on a little paper plate. And she brought me a Christmas card she hand-made at school. It said "Happy Christmas building lady". (She spelt building wrong but the intent was plain). I was right choked. So choked in fact that I hugged the little sprite. Voluntarily!! (People who know me know that I do not hug. Ever.)

Today I called in after work. I took a card for Barbara (carefully made out to "Barbara"), a card for her mother (fortunately I found out in time that she's widowed - before including a husband in the greeting!!), and a small stocking-filler type present. (I checked before-hand that it was ok with her mother). She was dead chuffed. Hugged me again.

No - this does not mean I'm becoming soft. Or nice. I'm still evil. Honest.

Merry Christmas.

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ow. Again.

First - Happy Hanukkah to our Jewish readers.

I had a medical today. It's my annual follow-up from my serious accident of a few years ago. They check out my shoulder - just to make sure there's no deterioration in the bones the plates are screwed into. They don't expect any more improvement with that, it's as good as it's ever going to get. The examinations always leave me aching like blazes though.

They also - much more important this - give me a scan to check that there are no new clots forming in my brain. They hope that someday they'll be able to see improvement on that. That maybe someday my short-term memory will return. And I won't muddle words when I talk.

I got the all-clear on both counts, but no real improvements.

Of course - my concentration wasn't as good as it could have been, largely because I was in a great deal of pain.

This year's review, unlike in previous years, wasn't held at the main hospital, This time it was held at a specialist clinic over the road and round the corner from the hospital. They sent me a map and directions with my appointment letter. Just as well because I wasn't sure where it was.

I got off the bus, crossed the road and entered the car-park. This was made of ornamental brick rather than tarmac. There were five sections to the building, each with a different entrance. I got out my appointment letter to check which unit number I needed. Now any sensible person would have stood still to read the letter. But over the years we have established that I am not a sensible person.

I did not stop. I kept walking. Had the car-park been entirely on one level this would not have been catastrophic.

Unfortunately the car-park was not. There was a 5cm (about 2 inches) difference between the top half and the bottom. There was a kerb running along this but as that was ornamental brick too it wasn't that visible. Especially as I wasn't looking.

My left-foot discovered the discrepancy. I felt it slip. My first thought was that I didn't want to break my ankle again, so I quickly took my weight off that leg. This was not a roaring success. It did nothing to halt my nose-dive. In order to protect my shoulder I twisted in mid-fall and landed on my back.

With my left foot beneath me.

And that, your worships, is how I came to break three toes.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Holiday Week

What that means for me is light traffic and that's a good thing. What it means for the kids and Tamara, time off. I may sneak a day off in this one as well to spend some time with Tamara looking for those stocking fillers. Kids are off at the ex's this week, so that means the house is quiet. Very.

I look forward to returning chaos. Between now and then though is hopefully a lot of sleep as my energy still has not fully returned.

Enough of the rambling back to it. Enjoy the updates and we will return at the end of the week.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Don't worry...we didn't forget the update.

Running a bit late tonight. Have at it.


Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Day of Rest

We did not rest the whole day, but over all this one was great. We took two of the kids with us to Best Buy to return a router that seems unhappy with our cable modem. It was holiday crazy there but we were unfazed by it all. Came home and the kids headed off to the park as the day was filled with winter sunshine. I took some time and went out and cut up some more wood for the fireplace and T hauled it into the house to dry out. All in all a really nice day.

Tomorrow is filled a bit more, but one can hope for the same. Enjoy those updates!

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Friday, December 16, 2011


So we got our nifty Domestic Partnership cards in the mail yesterday. Pretty darn quick too considering we went to the bank and had the papers notarized last Saturday (they went out that day too). No big ceremony for a Washington state domestic partnership registration...send them $50, fill out the form and voila! you're partnered. Not that E and I didn't feel partnered. I've had the form sitting by my desk for at least a year now and after our trip to urgent care a few weeks back I figured I'd better get on that domestic partnership thing. Nothing like having your loved one in the hospital and not being able to have a say in their care.

So now we're legal. In this state anyway. The cards won't matter in most states here in the land of the free. E doesn't expect that to change in our lifetime. Some days I feel that way too but other days I'm more hopeful. Sure the Republican candidates for President are loudly touting their promises to get a Constitutional Amendment in place that would guarantee that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. But I have faith that the young people in the US, who are faced more and more these days with LGBT folks in their lives, will make true marriage equality a reality. I believe that some day kids will be studying this in school and look upon it as a time that was strange and sad and wrong in our country.


Thursday way late. stupid, I forgot to post this last night.

Sorry...tired lately.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Firstly - because I love Christmas in all its tacky glory as well as its spirituality. Norad Tracks Santa (several language versions to choose from). Yes I will be tracking *g*.

Secondly. Not a lot to say tonight. Been out for a Christmas get-together with some of the lads. Didn't drink - got to do it all again tomorrow with a different bunch of ex-colleagues and I'm too old to be that daft!! But I am dog-tired.

So I'll just say, enjoy your updates, see you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Geminids; spam; and shopping.

I was hoping to see some of the Geminids tonight (it's the best night for viewing them), but the cloud cover is far too thick. Ah well. Maybe tomorrow. Northern Hemisphere readers - look east. Southern Hemisphere readers - I don't think you get much in the way of a good view of this particular shower.

I must clear out my spam folder again. A mate sent a PM to tell me she'd emailed me & not had a reply. I don't seem to have received it so I'm guessing that it went to spam. Unfortunately I've received a lot of spam lately. Four yahoo groups I'm in have been abandoned by their owners/mods and consequently have been hijacked by porn spammers. To the tune of a dozen a day per group. I've gone "no mail" now but there's a hell of a lot in that folder. Over 1000 to be honest. I suppose I aught to check anyway just in case there are more real emails in there. Spam filters can be rather erratic in their selections sometimes.

Went into town on Saturday, to finish my Christmas shopping. Big mistake. I did get it all done but town was heaving. (Figuratively speaking - don't get a mental picture of a town running around throwing things at people, will you). I'm not keen on crowds at the best of times, but crowds of determinedly vicious middle-aged, middle-class, women desperately seeking last-minute bargains... I'm surprised I didn't kill anybody.

I was disappointed to see there's no temporary ice-rink this year, but that's probably all to the good, considering my propensity for breaking bones. In fact I've got a couple of broken toes right now. (Night-time, got up, didn't put light on, walked into [very solid] wardrobe.)

Is it Christmas yet?? Is it?? *bounces*. Adeste fideles laeti triumphantes,...


Monday, December 12, 2011

Busy Monday

You have a lot to read. Have at it.


Sunday, December 11, 2011


The weekend was filled with productivity and yet it was comfortable and did not feel too rushed.

Our tree is up with lights (not decorated, wait for the kids on that). Presents wrapped and lists made showing us we really don't have that much more to purchase.

All basic weekend chores were also completed, hence this one was good. Here is hoping the rest of the week can follow suit as well.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Preparations

E and I had quite the productive day. We wrapped a huge number of presents. We would be done considering we wrapped all the presents we had purchased. Unfortunately my mother loves buying clothes for the boys. She sent several presents wrapped but all of the new clothes I get to wrap. This ends up being good because I'll combine the clothes into as few boxes as possible.

My mother has a whole stash of shirt boxes she pulls out every Christmas season just for this purpose. Every item is lovingly placed in its own box. We were taught very early to be careful unwrapping so the boxes could be used again. I'm all for recyling those boxes. Less to stash in the shed that way.

Tomorrow the tree and ornaments make an appearance.


Friday, December 09, 2011


Okay, Tamara posted the wrong episode last night, so here you go.
The real December 15 episode....

23rd Century Lesbians, 20th Century TV - "Babylon 5" Panel

In what has been a 2011 filled with new ideas and directions for F4F Radio, we start winding down the year with another "panel". Rather than having on authors to interview them about their work in a specific fandom, we have on several committed fans/writers from a fan community to talk about the impact of the fandom itself. Tonight's topic has been off the air for a decade, but that hasn't diminished its sheer importance regarding LGBT storylines on network TV. "Babylon 5" was a popular sci-fi drama which ran on TNT for five seasons in the 1990s, and it was here that lucky fans met Susan Ivanovna (Claudia Christian) and Talia Winters (Andrea Thompson), two women who immediately clashed, primarily thanks to Susan's hatred for the Psi Corps that Talia belonged to. Over the course of the first two seasons, however, the two grew closer, culminating in the episode "Divided Loyalties". It combined the highest of the highs - a night together that strongly implied Susan and Talia had slept together - with the lowest of the lows - Talia being "possessed" and "killed" by the Control sleeper personality. Regardless of how the storyline ended, the fact remains that this episode aired in 1995, well before shows like "Xena: Warrior Princess" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" prominently featured canon and subtextual lesbian relationships, making B5 one of the VERY first of its kind on commercial television. Our panel will discuss the evolution of the Susan/Talia relationship on B5, its impact on the LGBT community at the time, fan fiction, and how people view it today. The panel will include past guests Del Robertson and Ariestess, as well as first-timers Kerkevik and Sammy, all of whom wrote at least one Susan/Talia fanfic over the years. Also joining us will be two-time guest cohost Kim Pritekel, making her debut as F4F Radio's new full-time cohost.


There you have it, enjoy those updates.

Hopefully this weekend we can get our holiday spirit moving and get some decorations out and about. There is always hope.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Thursday, December 08, 2011


Another new show from Allaine on December 15...take note, Xena fans.
Because Two Hours of "Xena" Really Isn't Enough - Authors SX Meagher, Redhawk, and Kim Pritekel

In January 2010 I hosted my first-ever show specifically to discuss the "Xena: Warrior Princess" fandom, and I had a wonderful time with guests Melissa Good, KG MacGregor, and Linda Crist. Normally I devote only a single show to a specific fandom, moving on to other fandoms which are always waiting their turn. In this instance, however, I encountered two facts. One, the listeners really wanted a second show. And two, the fandom is so enormous and the number of great authors is so HIGH, that to only speak with three authors can't even be considered "scratching the surface". Consequently I'll be hosting my second two-hour Xena episode on this night (and okay, you didn't really have to twist my arm very much). This time my guests will be the following, all of whom are both fanfic writers and published authors: Susan X. Meagher, best known for the long-running "San Francisco Series", as well as popular novels like "Arbor Vitae" and "All That Matters"; D. Jordan Redhawk, the writer of "Tiopa Ki Lakota", "Iditarod", and the "Infinity Series"; and writer/filmmaker Kim Pritekel, whose stories include "First", "Control", "Wild", and the upcoming novel "1049 Club".


Have at the updates.....


Wednesday, December 07, 2011


Tomorrow is Bodhi Day - for our Buddhist readers - we wish you a peaceful celebration. It is also Immaculate Conception - good feast to our Catholic readers.

Regular readers will know very well of my distaste for book piracy. I'm not going to rant about that right now. Nor am I going to blast holes in the feeble justifications some people put forward in its defence. No, it's just the springboard for tonight's musings. An acquaintance with whom I was discussing the subject (well, actually ranting and raving at them) said that he steals books in this way because "books are too expensive". After presenting my usual "you wouldn't steal a car, etc." arguments I called him several rude names and left.

But I thought about what he'd said. Books being expensive. And I checked out some prices of the sort of books he reads. Mainstream thrillers mostly. And to be quite frank it's total bollocks. Books are not expensive. Not here in the developed world. Books are cheap. Sometimes incredibly cheap. Ok - some of the books I read (lesbian fiction) aren't as cheap as others (mass-market paperback fantasy). But they're still a pretty good bargain. Know how I know this?? I did some working out.

I started with those Dickens books I found a few weeks ago. They were a matched set of hardbacks from the 1920s. They weren't a particularly classy set. Just the sort of cheap hardback reprints that publishers used to put out in the days before paperbacks were a big thing. I did some research. Back when they were printed a new, bestseller-type hardback cost between 7/6d (about 38p in today's money) and 10/- (50p). This set weren't that posh. They were the 3/6d cheap editions. That's just under 18p. The average weekly wage for a skilled labourer was about £4. A 10/- book would have cost one-eighth of his weekly wage (his because a)women weren't labourers and b) were paid less than two-thirds of a man's wage). The 3/6d editions were about 1/22nd of the weekly wage. For comparison a two-pound (just under 1kg) loaf of bread cost 2.5d (1p) and a one-bed bungalow cost around £650.

The average labourer's weekly wage today is around £300. An 800g loaf of bread is about 75p. A one-bed bungalow here costs about £275,000. And a mass-market paperback costs around £8 with a new hardback novel coming in at £20. The hardback costs one-fifteenth of the weekly wage. (A lot less if you buy somewhere that heavily discounts, such as Amazon). The paperback costs less than one thirty-seventh of the wage.

What's really expensive is the house price!! Gone up from just over three times the wage to over seventeen times the wage.

See. Books are cheap.

So... if you're looking to buy your friends and relatives a Christmas/Hanukkah/Solstice/Eid/Kwanzaa/whatever you celebrate present. Why not buy a book?? Or several books. Why not buy books for everybody you know?? They'll think you've bought them something expensive, but you'll know it was cheap. Because I said so.

See you next week. Happy reading. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Sinterklaas, mince-pies, parties, and such.

Saint Nicholas' Day - Sint Nikolaas (Sinterklaas) - hope our readers in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, South Tirol, and Switzerland had a good day and had plenty of sweets in their shoes.

Our tree is up. The decorations are hung. Cards written (though not all of them posted yet). Some pressies bought. Some still to buy. Not looking forward to that at the weekend!! If you read a headline that says a woman was arrested for biting Christmas shoppers you'll know who it is.

And since it is now December I can eat mince-pies. I refuse to eat them at other times (just like I'll only eat hot-cross-buns in Easter week) because it spoils the special treat feeling. I love mince-pies (not easy finding vegan ones though).

Juggling Christmas meals & parties... I can't possibly have one every day next week... can I?? Oh, Lord!! I can feel the hangover already. Though Thursday's is a lunch so I'll not be drinking anything stronger than coffee at that one.

Nearly Christmas. **bounces happily**.

Gaudete, gaudete!! Christus est natus, Ex Maria virgine, gaudete!!


Monday, December 05, 2011

Another Day

Each brings something new. Here is where we as humans have choices on how we look at that new. Tomorrow, go for the splendid. I know for me each day brings a bit more energy and health and that is definitely my positive. What's yours?

Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.
