Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Gunpowder Treason and Plot...

Ah, sorry to disappoint you E but no splendid stories. Not even any vaguely interesting ones. Our clocks went back this past weekend and I haven't quite adapted yet. It's dark when I get home and feels late. So I'm arriving home tired and fit only to sit and read. It's been cold and wet mostly and even though it's only the second day of the week my jeans are filthy enough to stand up by themselves. They are covered in mud. I'm going to need a clean pair tomorrow. Which is annoying. I can usually make work jeans last all week. I've been pretty quiet, all-in-all.

Though quiet is good. Quiet means I haven't fallen over anything, fallen off anything, broken any bones, wrecked any shop displays, caused havoc in any restaurants, or otherwise created chaos wherever I've been.

It's Guy Fawkes Night this coming Friday, and of course Ottery Tar Barrels. They weren't sure if the Tar Barrels would be run this year because last year some pillock threw an aerosol can into a barrel and caused an explosion, consequently there were problems with the insurance for this year. But they sorted the insurance out and it is going ahead.

So what with the fireworks and the barrel running I'm bound to have something to report next week - even if it's only a list of injuries!! *g*


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