Wednesday, July 14, 2010

More Rain

I am not having a good day. Right at the moment I'm soaked (again!!). This time it's only my lap (The shirt across my stomach area and down my jeans - both legs - to my knees). And it's coffee this time not rainwater. I've just dropped an entire mug (500ml - about 16fl oz) of coffee into my lap. It was hot. My language was brutal. I said the "f" word more times than the opening sequence of Four Weddings and a Funeral. As soon as I've finished my updates I'm stripping off, sticking these clothes into the washing machine (along with my work clothes from earlier) and going to bed.

It's not the first time I've been soaked to the skin today. That rain I spoke of yesterday?? It's been here all day today. Torrential downpour. I spent pretty much the whole day soggy. From my head to my ankles completely drenched. (My feet stayed dry due to excellently waterproofed work boots). I looked like a drowned squirrel. (I'm too cute to look like a drowned rat *g*).

The rain was so heavy that, even though the ground was bone dry, the earth couldn't absorb it fast enough and it settled as giant puddles (and small lakes) all across the site.

We had thunder and lightning, too. First all year. Spectacular lightning at that. The storm was right overhead at one point - flash and crash almost simultaneous. And I was out in it. With a spade. Trying to dig. There was a hell of a flash and the most spectacular streak of forked lightning hit the ground about 2 metres in front of me. The static from it made all my hair stand up. Really. Just like those miniature Van der Graaf static electricity generators they have in museums like our Science Museum . All the hair on my arms too. At that point I was incredibly grateful for double-insulated safety boots and spades with wooden, rather than metal, handles. Because wet ground and lightning bolts are not a good combination.

I decided that, if even the sky was telling me to get the hell out of the rain, I would go and sit in the portakabin and wait out the storm with the lads. It was boring. The radio wasn't working. I daren't use my laptop. The cards had gone missing. The choice of newspapers was - well - not to my taste. (I prefer papers with actual news in them.) And the Evans twins were arguing and probably about to start a fight - again!! (They do that when they're bored). I stood it for half-an-hour. Then I couldn't take it any more. Getting soaked was preferable.

I didn't get home til gone 7pm (19 hrs). Fed up and in need of coffee. Fortunately I'd had three cups by the time this one went into my lap. If I hadn't the results would not have been pleasant!!

See - told you - typical Brit. Already complaining about the weather again.

On an more cheerful note. It was Bastille Day in France today. Although we're an English-language site I'm sure we have French readers, so - hope you had a good Bastille Day over there.

Oh, and - reposting the link to Diva's Demise tonight as I bolloxed the information yesterday. It's right now. Also posting this brilliant collage giving pics of the fandoms involved (coz posting this is much easier than listing them all *g*).

Hope your day went better. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


1 comment:

Condorcet said...

I don't know about the other French readers but even caught in the same kind of downpour as you were, I had a really good Bastille day. :)
Thanks Ze !