Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Checking spam

I don't do it very often. In fact I have been known to simply delete the contents of my spam folder without looking. Only once, and I deleted an important email from the Inland Revenue without realising. Nearly got myself into a whole lot of trouble over that one. Ever since then I at least scan the subject headers before deletion.

What I don't do is check the folder often enough. I should, because my spam-filter is vicious. Not a lot gets through. Unfortunately it also scoops up a few things that aren't spam. It grabs anything with a non-standard type of email addy. Such as anything with just a couple of letters and numbers. It grabs anything where the subject is in text-speak or the English is incorrect (probably because a lot of spam messages, related to increasing a bodily appendage I don't possess, replace letters with numbers, mix upper & lower case and/or deliberately misspell words). Of course this means that if a genuine email is sent and the header is misspelt by accident it still gets caught.

I happened to notice last night that my spam folder contained a couple of hundred messages and thought, "Oops. I'd better look at that." So this evening I did just that. I hadn't realised it had been so long since I checked. Along with a hundred or so of the afore-mentioned offers to increase girth, length or stamina, and the bargains in software (that I don't want, wouldn't buy even if they were genuine, and always make me wonder if people really are naive enough to risk the link), and of course the offers from ladies and gentlemen in Nigeria (it's always Nigeria) who are appealing to me as a sister-in-Christ to help then indulge in a financial transaction of dubious honesty and undoubtedly illegality (do people really fall for this??). Not to mention the odd "Winner" announcement for a lottery or competition I haven't entered. There were some genuine emails.

One several weeks old, from a friend who (I thought) hadn't replied to my appreciation of her Sparty comments. Bet she's wondering why I haven't replied. One a response (of list) to some comments I made on a yahoo group about four months ago. (Oh Lord - has it really been that long since I checked this??) They must think I'm really ill-mannered!! I wonder if it's too late to reply??

Also tucked away there, hiding amongst the viagra ads, were another 30 or so responses to my Teal Deer rant of a fortnight ago. (Including one that disagrees with me. The first such!! Brill. It's a bit wall-of-text but I can read it.) So... if you sent me a message and haven't heard back from me yet - that's why. I will reply to them all within the next week.

And if you lot out there have a spam filter and folders in your email programme - don't be as daft as me - check it - often!!

Right. I'm for bed. Enjoy your updates, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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