Thursday, July 08, 2010

Comfort Zone...

Each of us has one. Tamara's is different from mine. As we both sit in our house (no AC) with temps in the mid 90's, I am not comfortable in my shorts. Tamara on the other hand is comfortable in her jeans and t-shirt. I am a true Seattlelite wimp. Heat no...Tamara on the other hand grew up in Oklahoma, heat standard summertime event. When I was a kid the average temp in the summer was 72....perfect! Hers I am sure was in the 90's, hot and they even have humidity...bah. Me wimp and happy about it. My comfort zone is not today. When next week's weather front returns us to 77... drizzle with sunbreaks...I can be a happy camper again. Until then, Tamara can enjoy the heat and I will not.

Now enough of my whining...may you all have a good evening/day.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


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