Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ramble from UK

Back to the boring E, but good news, I got a ramble from UK. Enjoy!
"All people smile in the same language"

Did you ever share a smile with a stranger across a distance while watching a surprisingly funny or heart warming happening, did you ever smile while reading a humorous scene in a (fan) fic or have you ever laughed out loud when reading Ze's ramble ?

If you have then maybe you'll agree with me that smiling and laughing is a powerful tool of communication. If you can get someone to smile or laugh with you, it's so much easier to get your message across, even if that message is just one of "lets spend an entertaining moment together".

"All people smile in the same language" and a smile can gets us over any language barrier, any differences in political opinion or personal differences etc – sometimes a smile is all we can share – but do share! Share what makes you smile, share your smile when you do smile and encourage others to smile with you or perhaps – if you can handle it – at you!

So why all the smiling today ? Well I guess that I just felt like it ? No I smile because that's the easiest way to get my message of "let's spend an entertaining moment together" across.

Then you might ask - why do things the easy way, why not put a bit of work into getting that smile up – well I've been told that my humours ramblings on (fan) fiction do not make everybody smile, so I thought this might be a less offensive way to share – a smile – today!

Do worry – I'll be back with a humours ramble (I hope) and I promise that it will be risky … for (you) the readers that is – you might have to share a smile with me! But – "don't blame me I'm only the piano player” no delete that – I take full responsibility for my ramblings ;-)

With a smile


Well Uk, I for one smile when I get your rambles in my email, so keep on smilin' and please continue to share. To the rest of you, have a great evening and remember to smile, who knows you might just get one back.

Peace, Health, and Happiness,


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