Wednesday, June 23, 2010


For a whole load of reasons. Firstly - yesterday's rant, (rather to my surprise), actually took a lot out of me (emotionally) and left me with little to say tonight. And pretty well unable to think of anything to say. Weird. You wouldn't think expressing (deeply held) beliefs could do that to you - even if you did express them (metaphorically speaking) at the top of your lungs. I can't even raise the energy to respond to the (as of 21.00 this evening) 27 emails I've received on the subject. I will get around to you all in the next few days, I promise, especially the one long, carefully argued and well thought out (but kind of hard to read) one.

The second reason for feeling so drained is the footy. England are through - but oh boy did they make it hard for themselves. And put us all through the wringer while they did it. I think I kicked every ball with them today. And of course, since we qualified as group runners-up we get to meet Germany in the next round. That's us gone then. Probably on penalties... Congrats also to the USA for not only qualifying but doing it as group winners (to the astonishment of a lot of doubters), well done.

OK - since I don't have much else to say I'll just pimp a book - one of my favourite Xenaverse authors, Barbara Davies, has a new book out - Frederica & the Viscountess. I can guarantee you several things - it will be well written. It will be incredibly well researched. It will contain impeccable grammar. And it will be well-worth reading. It's only an ebook at the mo (and as anybody who's followed this site for a while knows, I don't do e-books *g*) but it will be in paperback soon. I will be buying a copy when it is.

Further to my rant of yesterday - if you decide to take up the suggestion?? challenge?? - and write a tale or two here's an offer from Oz over at the Royal Academy of Bards
    Auntie OZ Wants YOU. That's right...YOU, K?
    Have you read something lately that has you shaking your head? Do you feel that the storyline was lacking in some way or the fanfiction characters were clichéd or totally off canon? Bad grammar making you cringe? I would like ALL those who feel that way to write ME a note. Yep, email ME please. Oz. Not the bard who wrote the story...ME. Send ME a detailed response as to how you would fix things to make it a better story. Have different physical characteristics in mind...let me know. Got a killer twist for the storyline. Details folks, send me details. Be very specific. Explain everything. Write as much as you want. Anyway you want.
    All done? Awesome.
    You just wrote a story.
    Now send it to your favorite archive for posting. May I suggest the Academy or the Academy Annex?
    What? Don't think it's good enough. We don't expect the Great American Novel on your first try. Heck, we'll give you lots of tries even if you never do write that GAN. You keep writing and sending them to us and we'll keep posting them. Why? Because ALL STORIES HAVE MERIT. Oz

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you


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