Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Understanding Hollywood..

I don't. At all.

Went to the pictures this evening. A rom-com. I hate rom-coms. I like films with lots of explosions, or sci-fi, or fantasy, or by Kurosawa or Tarkovsky, or silent movies (but not silent comedies). I almost never watch so-called chick-flicks. (Or "heart-warming family" films.) I would never have chosen to watch a rom-com. But a friend asked me, and she looked all sad-eyed and pathetic and hopeful and said "please" and I caved.

It's called Heartbreaker and it's French (sub-titled). It wasn't quite the usual style of French film. It had been ever-so-slightly lightened - for the American market probably - though it wasn't really in the American rom-com style either.

I was rather surprised - well ok, more than "rather surprised", I was totally gobsmacked to find that I enjoyed it.

It wasn't as fluffy as an American film probably would have been, and the heroine was a lot more... I don't know, stronger?? more sassy?? independent?? all of these maybe, than a typical rom-com allows. (Took me hours to work out where I'd heard of the lead actress before... **smacks forehead** of course, Joe Le Taxi)... and there were some really funny moment that are you'll only get if you watch a lot a French action/gangster films but I can thoroughly recommend Heartbreaker if you like that sort of film.

I've heard it's being remade in the USA (after all everybody knows Americans can't read subtitles /sarcasm) I hope they don't weaken her character too much.

Why does the American film & tv industry do that, btw?? Take a perfectly good, successful, intelligent film or tv programme and re-make it. And remove the sarcasm, the humour, the political incorrectness (I don't think that actually a word *g*), the sex or the swearing, in fact everything that made it successful in the first place. Or remake a brilliant film simply because it's not in English. Oh I can understand the need to do so if it's full of cultural references or styles of humour that won't work in the USA, but they'll change it even if it doesn't have that. They'll change it to make it fluffier.

I'm pretty certain America has a decent literacy rate. And I know lots of very intelligent Americans. They're quite capable of understanding the subtleties of other cultures and equally capable of reading subtitles. And I'm sure they don't always need an up-beat ending. So why do it. It's insulting (to Americans) and doesn't make economic sense.

Daft I calls it.

Ah well. Time for bed. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Blimey. I think that the first time I've done an update and not had any BtVS fics to report. Plenty of LotS for you though (as usual).

It's too bloody hot. If we don't get some rain soon my allotment won't be worth the having. Though the lettuces aren't doing too badly. The heat is starting to make people dead grouchy. Though it's hard to tell the difference where I'm concerned. *g*.

Football. Breaks your heart. What a useless performance. I don't think I'd have minded half as much if they'd at least made an effort. I mean, look at Chile... up against Brazil, they didn't really stand a chance, but even at three nil down they never gave up. Unlike England, who'd given up before they left the changing rooms...

Bah. Bloody football

See - told you I was grouchy. Enjoy your updates


Monday, June 28, 2010

Bye Bye Monday...Not Sorry To See You Go

Long day and ready to relax. Tonight a couple quick announcements.

One is Kim Baldwin is running a very worthy auction for a woman in need, see here for more details. But there are some really good books up for auction and remember you're truly helping another in need. Nothing to lose on this one, so check it out!

Secondly, I am in the midst of cleaning up the Grunt's Checklist. This is our page of links we go to and check daily for new stories to post here. Sadly many of the sites over the last year or so have plunged into oblivion and need to be shifted to irregular or graveyard status. So I am asking all of you if you have sites that we're not checking, do let us know. Please note that we may not add it if it does not meet our criteria, but I personally will email you back one way or another. We appreciate your help in finding us some new sources that we can share with everyone!

Now onto those updates, enjoy.

Peace, Health, and Happiness


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Vacation Update

The kids and I are back in Oklahoma City. We're quite happy to be out of the car. Not sure what we have planned for tomorrow. Nothing very exciting I hope. I'm ready to be a slug.

Enjoy the updates!


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lazy Slug

Today I had no plans. I took advantage of that and did nothing of full value other than relaxing. It felt great. As I am home alone I did not even bother to do my dishes today, a complete slug. Tomorrow brings a new day with some serious chores and check book time, so overall taking today was splendid.

Now here is hoping you all get the same opportunity soon enough.

Until then, enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health, & Happiness.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Vacation Update

The kids and I are enjoying the heat in St. Louis. We made it to my aunt & uncle's yesterday around 6:30 central time. I was never so glad to be out of a car. Doing an 8 hour car ride the day after arriving in Oklahoma probably wasn't the smartest idea. We were all cranky in the car but today the world looks better.

Today we've taken it easy and visited with relatives. Cal has had fun playing with his cousins. Duncan is holed up in my cousin's's dark and cool and there's wireless internet. He's perfectly happy.

Tomorrow we'll visit the Saint Louis Science Center. They suggested the Zoo first but I know my mom and aunt would die in the heat. Plus the kids and I don't get really excited about zoos. Science Museums are always a hit though.

I think we'll also go to the famous Arch. Maybe I can find E a nifty replica.

Enjoy the updates!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Easy Night

As I sit alone doing the update and wait for the sun to go down a bit before I go out and tackle the lawn, I think of how quiet it is and yet I miss the chaos. But alas Tamara will return in a week, so until then I'll get my butt out and mow the lawn and then come back in and have a cold beer and play on Facebook for a while.

I also will make one small comment about Ze's ramble. First up many folks have emailed letting us know they liked and appreciated the response and that is grand. I may not have agreed with everything she said, but I want to make it clear we each have a unique voice and perspective, that is what makes it all the better. Valid points in many ways.

Do consider sharing what your thoughts are as well. You know where to find us. Until than, have a great night and enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health, and Happiness to all!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


For a whole load of reasons. Firstly - yesterday's rant, (rather to my surprise), actually took a lot out of me (emotionally) and left me with little to say tonight. And pretty well unable to think of anything to say. Weird. You wouldn't think expressing (deeply held) beliefs could do that to you - even if you did express them (metaphorically speaking) at the top of your lungs. I can't even raise the energy to respond to the (as of 21.00 this evening) 27 emails I've received on the subject. I will get around to you all in the next few days, I promise, especially the one long, carefully argued and well thought out (but kind of hard to read) one.

The second reason for feeling so drained is the footy. England are through - but oh boy did they make it hard for themselves. And put us all through the wringer while they did it. I think I kicked every ball with them today. And of course, since we qualified as group runners-up we get to meet Germany in the next round. That's us gone then. Probably on penalties... Congrats also to the USA for not only qualifying but doing it as group winners (to the astonishment of a lot of doubters), well done.

OK - since I don't have much else to say I'll just pimp a book - one of my favourite Xenaverse authors, Barbara Davies, has a new book out - Frederica & the Viscountess. I can guarantee you several things - it will be well written. It will be incredibly well researched. It will contain impeccable grammar. And it will be well-worth reading. It's only an ebook at the mo (and as anybody who's followed this site for a while knows, I don't do e-books *g*) but it will be in paperback soon. I will be buying a copy when it is.

Further to my rant of yesterday - if you decide to take up the suggestion?? challenge?? - and write a tale or two here's an offer from Oz over at the Royal Academy of Bards
    Auntie OZ Wants YOU. That's right...YOU, K?
    Have you read something lately that has you shaking your head? Do you feel that the storyline was lacking in some way or the fanfiction characters were clichéd or totally off canon? Bad grammar making you cringe? I would like ALL those who feel that way to write ME a note. Yep, email ME please. Oz. Not the bard who wrote the story...ME. Send ME a detailed response as to how you would fix things to make it a better story. Have different physical characteristics in mind...let me know. Got a killer twist for the storyline. Details folks, send me details. Be very specific. Explain everything. Write as much as you want. Anyway you want.
    All done? Awesome.
    You just wrote a story.
    Now send it to your favorite archive for posting. May I suggest the Academy or the Academy Annex?
    What? Don't think it's good enough. We don't expect the Great American Novel on your first try. Heck, we'll give you lots of tries even if you never do write that GAN. You keep writing and sending them to us and we'll keep posting them. Why? Because ALL STORIES HAVE MERIT. Oz

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Teal Deer Rant

I thought long and hard about tonight's post. All week in fact. I wasn't sure I would go ahead with it. I didn't finally decide until I started typing this right now. Because as a "grunt" here I felt I should try to remain impartial in regard to others' rambles. I didn't want my disagreement to discourage potential contributors. I want to make it clear that we welcome all rambles, all views, all contributions. You have views?? No problem. We'll take them. But remember we'll also take those of folk who don't agree with you.

What follows is my personal opinion and not an official Uber Etc. policy. (In fact my fellow grunts probably don't feel the same. *g*).It's not so much a ramble as a rant. Well - two separate rants disguised as one actually. The second part is universal to all fandoms. The first part applies to the fandom closest to my heart.

As I said. It's a rant. And a rather long one. Feel free to skip straight to the updates. This is partly in response to recent rambles and the arguments within those rambles. And partly because those arguments are - to me - old, tired and inaccurate. I have seen them repeated in more than one group over several years. And they piss me off each and every time.

Let's start with this...

There's a story - an warrior woman, hard-as-nails, conqueror of a kingdom, and the subject of fascination to a dark god... and the doubters roll their eyes and say... "typical Xena story, right??" - Wrong. The Jirel of Joiry stories were written by C L Moore between 1934 and 1939.

Ok how about this one - there's a stoic, dark-haired warrior who travels with a gentle sorceress, together they battle gods, ghosts & demons. Xena fic, yeah?? Wrong again. The Frostflower & Thorn stories by Phyllis Ann Carr were written between 1980 and 1984.

Ok, what about this one then - an amazonian warrior, emotionless and dark, links up with a blonde mage in a quest for revenge... yep you guessed - also not Xena inspired. They're Tarma & Kethry by Mercedes Lackey the first story Swordsworn was written in 1988 (And I can highly recommend them).

The stoic warrior righting wrongs with the aid of a lighter-hearted companion has been around since Adam and Eve put Cain in nappies!!

Ok - what about this.... moving forward in time and sticking on good old, non-magical earth. There's a wealthy dark-haired aristocrat, aloof, rude, cold; and a younger, blonde, not-so-wealthy, young lady. At first meeting they despise each other. After many trials, misunderstandings and tribulations they wind up in love. Ho-hum, typical Xena uber, boring...right?? Nope, wrong again. It's Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet from Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice.

Have I made my point??

Just because it's a dark-haired warrior/aristocrat/company-director and a blonde mage/bard/secretary doesn't mean it's a Xena story. The dark vs blonde has been around in romance fiction for pretty much as long as there's been romance fiction. Romance fiction requires opposites. Opposites in looks and opposites in temperament.

And remember - not all the fiction on Xena based sites is supposed to be Xena anyway. Radclyffe?? Not Xena - she was never in the Xena fandom - her stuff started out as X-Files... Dabkey's brilliant "And Playing the Role of Herself" - also not Xena (L&O maybe but not Xena).

And what if it really is a Xena story or Xena uber?? So what?? Does that matter?? Is it a good story?? Then bloody enjoy it and stop complaining.

The reason for this part of the rant is that I'm a Xenite. And I'm bloody proud to be a Xenite and I'm sick to death of reading thinly disguised snipes at Xena (or not so thinly disguised). If you run across trite, predictable, badly-written stories using these tropes. DON'T BLAME XENA. If the dark/light combination is there... DON'T BLAME XENA. If the writing's bad - blame the writer but DON'T BLAME XENA!!

I don't dis your fandom. Don't dis mine.

Part the second: - Online stories and entitlement. Another thing that annoys the hell out of me. The whinges that the stories are poor, predictable, plots suck, grammar's incorrect, spelling is bad, etc. So?? You're getting them for FREE.

If somebody bakes you a beautiful banana cake as a gift do you throw it back in their face and say "It sucks, I wanted chocolate."?? Of course you don't. That would be unbelievably rude and ungrateful. So why is it acceptable to do that with a story??

You see that little arrow at the top left of the page?? It's the back button. It works. Don't like what you're reading?? Use it. Don't like?? Don't bloody read. Got news for you - you are not entitled to go your entire life without reading something that wasn't perfect. At least it was free (unlike Dan Brown or Stephanie Meyer who make you pay for badly written, poorly plotted, overblown messes).

And if you don't think it's good, why not offer help?? Offer to beta. Offer to proof read or just offer encouragement. Or maybe - put your money where your mouth is. Write it yourself. Struggle with the plot, sweat blood over the dialogue, fight your way through writer's block and then, taking your courage in both hands, post it out there - FOR FREE - and wait for somebody to rip to shreds (frequently with worse spelling and grammar than you used!!).

Well?? No excuses about "I can't write." or "I can't plot". You criticise others for those shortcomings. Let's see you do better??

Grumble to your friends, write in your personal blog, if you find really crappy stuff (I do) but please, in public spaces ditch the entitlement, ditch the sniping, ditch the thinly-disguised prejudice. It's boring. Be grateful that writers still write. And they let you read their stuff for free.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Lord of Chaos Update

Well, Cal is now the proud owner of a blue cast. Mike got Cal in to see the specialist early and an MRI wasn't necessary (thank goodness). The good news is he's in even less pain now that the arm is totally immobilized. The bad news is he won't be doing any swimming while he's in Oklahoma for a month. That's a major bummer. Swimming in the Oklahoma heat is one of the best things about summer.

The cast is removed the day after he returns from Oklahoma and maybe he'll be able to partake of the swimming portion of the summer camp he's going to attend for a week in August. It won't be the same as Oklahoma though.

Today I spent my time packing for our trip and keeping The Lord of Chaos comfortable. He still hasn't gotten his appetite back but I'm hoping it returns since he's not on the every six hour ibuprofen/tylenol regimen. He even took a nap today and that's totally unlike him. I should enjoy this while I can. When he gets his regular energy back I'm sure I'll get a few more gray hairs watching him do his daredevil stunts while sporting a big, blue cast.


Sunday, June 20, 2010


I think Tamara and I are both still trying to catch up on some sleep that has been lost over the last few days. Today was fairly easy and yet I sit here feeling exhausted. Back to work for me tomorrow as Tamara will sleep in a bit with the official beginning of summer for her.

Enough said I am sure. Enjoy your updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Heck Night

We made it. School is over for the summer. Well, for the kids it is. I'll be doing Extended School Year in July and also working with my student in August. Two days a week for two months though is no hardship and the extra bit of money is most welcome.

When last I updated Cal had been to the clinic for a sprained wrist. Well, it turns out the sprain may actually be damage to the growth plate. Last night he was in a great deal of pain. After E talked to the consulting nurse and a doc they suggested we head to Urgent Care.

We left the house around 11. I had to stop for gas because I didn't want us to get stranded on the drive to and from Seattle. We made it into one of the exam rooms by 12. It took forever for the doc to see us (only one works GHC Urgent Care). Cal was a trooper through the whole ordeal. The doc called for more x-rays, which is what held us up.

Cal was given a real splint this time. It totally immobilized his arm. He was given some ibuprofen and tylenol with codeine (the miracle drug!), which helped with his pain. We've got to get into an orthopedic specialist before Wednesday so the growth plate can be checked out.

We made it home around 4am. Cal was wiped. I was wiped. We slept in but didn't get our full sleep by any means. Hopefully we'll get this taken care of before we leave for Oklahoma on Wednesday. GHC doesn't have anything in Oklahoma and I know Mike doesn't want to pay 40% of the cost of seeing a specialist not to mention a likely MRI bill.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Ramble from UK

Yeah...have at it!
"The flip of a coin"

Heads or tails – flip the coin and you will see that even the smallest coin has two sides ! One – more often than not – with the imprint of a persons head, the other stating the denomination. Look at any book in print – turn it over and assure yourself that the cover comes with a front and a back. One with an inviting picture the other with a summary or even a few lines of recommendation from a written review.

If you think about it almost everything has two sides and you know, that you can easily find at least two different points of views on almost any subject – do God exist? Is the world flat? Do each of us have a soul mate waiting just for us?

As for (fan) fiction – flip the coin – see the writer – flip the coin – you see the reader. Unless we are talking about diaries written to chronicle life and kept under lock, I take it that fics are written to be read by others, and when posted the writers ask us all to spend time reading the stories.

You can blog on how to write fiction – a number of women do just that at the blog “Women and Words [] and if you – flip the coin – you can blog on what it’s like to read the fics. I like to do that, blog [] about the (fan) fics I like, and I do that, not for the benefit of the writers, but to share my thoughts with other readers. I know if you – flip the coin – my reviews are just the same a comment on the work of a writer and it’s out there for every one to read - even those it wasn't meant for.

Ok – lets flip the coin once more and see what we get – a head – flip again – another head – hey it's a trick coin – fixed to give you the result you wager for! That's what I like about (fan) fiction it's fixed … if you spend enough time reading the stories available you get to know the standard storylines, even if you never set eyes on the TV-show that the characters are based on. In a fixed world like that it's safe for – even amateur - writers to venture out with our heroines in imaginative new settings as they know what elements to put in the story to move it alone, and – flip the coin - it's safe for the reader to start yet another fic – we know that we will – most likely – get what we put in our reading time to get.

Let's see – one dark and gorgeous (check), one fierce and blond (check), a meeting with the love of your life (check), angst (check), a bit more angst (check), kissing and perhaps some hot stuff (check), living happily ever after (check). Sound deadly boring but it's not - well it can be - but often I find, that the writer has found yet a new setting for the favourite ladies or a twist of the storyline good enough to entertaining someone like me.

So as a reader I'm quite content to have alt romantic fics within the fixed framework as long as the writer take the time to use her imagination and writing skills to create her own setting, flow of the storyline and characterisation of the protagonists.

I'm no writer and I have no idea what it takes to put together a coherent storyline or how to make the characters come alive and make their feelings appear real, but I'm an avid reader and I know when a story is entertaining and touching enough for me to spend my reading time on it.

But to end this with the - flip of a coin – I have no idea if my thoughts on what's entertaining or touching are shared by other readers. So when I review fics or ramble along on (fan) fiction and – flip the coin – you read my words, they are just that my words for you to agree or disagree with.

With a smile


With a smile I say, come ramble any time! Enjoy the updates gang!

Peace, Health and Happiness,


Thursday, June 17, 2010

School's Out for Summer

Tomorrow is the last day of school for us. Unfortunately Cal missed today. This morning we were headed out the door and he said, "I feel like I'm going to puke." Then he did so. Luckily he did it off the front porch. He's been under the weather all week. His stomach hasn't been feeling great and, to top it all off, he sprained his wrist. We went to the clinic yesterday and had it x-rayed. They gave him a nifty wrist splint. Still hurts though.

Friday is a half day for everyone so we're going to make it to school come hell or high water. [knock wood]


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Re-homing Tadpoles

It's traumatic. No, not for the tadpole, for the humans doing the re-homing.

For the first day she just sat there in the glass. Not even swimming (and usually tadpoles are in constant motion). I thought I'd killed her and was starting to feel very guilty. An anonymous commenter mentioned feeding tadpoles with fish food, so I bought a tub. I dropped a couple of flakes into the glass. For a moment nothing happened. Then she went berserk, swimming all over the shop and bobbing at the flakes of food. She ate a whole flake!! Obviously she was just hungry. I fed her two or three flakes a day and she seemed pretty happy but I was still worried that she might be lonely.

On Saturday I went over to my sister's place and I took the tadpole - now nicknamed Tessa - with me, (in a pudding basin, less chance of spillage). We were both dead worried that her tadpoles might attack Tessa so we proceeded with caution. We scooped a few of the tadpoles from my her pond and put them in the basin with Tessa.

They ignored her (and each other). We dropped a few flakes of food into the basin. They all converged on it - including Tessa. They swam all over snapping up the food, bumping into each other but otherwise unconcerned. By now I had no idea which one was Tessa - they kind of all looked the same. After half-an-hour of watching them carefully we decided that a) they weren't going to attack her, b) in fact they were totally unconcerned and didn't seem territorial at all and c) none of them were half as stressed at being watched as we were at watching them.

So we gently tipped the basin and all its tadpole inhabitants into my sister's pond. They all swam around, bobbing at the surface, nudging the lilies and bumping into the edges in the way that tadpoles do. Tessa was safe and happy. I stood up and said, "Bye, Tessa." And I'm positive my sister wiped a tear or two away (bloody soft eejit!!).

So there you go. Tadpole safely re-homed. And it was an even better day because my sister said I should stay for lunch and she'd made hummus. My sister's home-made hummus is delicious.

Maybe one day I'll meet a frog who remembers me and who turns into a princess or something...

Thanks to everyone who offered advice. And to the person (who shall remain un-named but you know who you are!!) who suggested I make a tadpole sandwich - you sick &^%$. *g* You know perfectly well I'm a vegan and do not consume sentient creatures!! Besides, even if I did eat animals, one tadpole wasn't going to make much of a sandwich.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Beyond tired. Knackered. Abso-bloomin'-lutely cream-crackered.

It's been a long hard (physical) week already and it's only Tuesday. It's nearly 1am here and I've been up since 5am so I'm not sticking around to chat. Sorry folks.

I will just say thanks to everyone who sent tadpole advice and I will finish replying to you all asap.

And I'll update you on Tessa Tadpole tomorrow. *g*.

For now... sleep... must have sleep.


Monday, June 14, 2010


That would be me and my day. No work as I have a couple days off with my daughter. We have a few chores and plans sprinkled throughout, but overall nothing much. Hence relaxed and I like it!

Enjoy your update.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday Wrap Up

Another sunny day here in Seattle and we spent part of the morning doing some weeding. Of course, "weeding" mostly entailed hacking at blackberry bramble with a machete. Cal was disappointed I wouldn't let him use it. He was a trooper though and snipped and pulled other weeds. The vegetable bed isn't quite ready for plants but it's a heckuva lot closer.

Whatever your weather, hope your weekend was relaxing. Now on to the updates....


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Weekend Update

Saturday and for me it will stay that way for a couple of days as I have the early part of next week off to spend with my daughter. Of course we're busy with plans each day, but still I'm with her and not at my desk and that, by far, is better.

Today Tamara and I got a few chores done but were fairly like slugs most of the day, in other words splendid. Tamara did buy a new phone, so she has been messing with that most of the day trying to get it all set up and such. She got a "smartphone" so there's a lot of set up to be done. Give her the weekend and all will be accomplished as she is currently hunting down ringtones as I write this.

Now back to why you arrived, enjoy the update!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Too pooped to come up with a nice title.

You have a lot to read and I'm hungry so I'll wimp out on words and leave you to it.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ramble from UK

Back to the boring E, but good news, I got a ramble from UK. Enjoy!
"All people smile in the same language"

Did you ever share a smile with a stranger across a distance while watching a surprisingly funny or heart warming happening, did you ever smile while reading a humorous scene in a (fan) fic or have you ever laughed out loud when reading Ze's ramble ?

If you have then maybe you'll agree with me that smiling and laughing is a powerful tool of communication. If you can get someone to smile or laugh with you, it's so much easier to get your message across, even if that message is just one of "lets spend an entertaining moment together".

"All people smile in the same language" and a smile can gets us over any language barrier, any differences in political opinion or personal differences etc – sometimes a smile is all we can share – but do share! Share what makes you smile, share your smile when you do smile and encourage others to smile with you or perhaps – if you can handle it – at you!

So why all the smiling today ? Well I guess that I just felt like it ? No I smile because that's the easiest way to get my message of "let's spend an entertaining moment together" across.

Then you might ask - why do things the easy way, why not put a bit of work into getting that smile up – well I've been told that my humours ramblings on (fan) fiction do not make everybody smile, so I thought this might be a less offensive way to share – a smile – today!

Do worry – I'll be back with a humours ramble (I hope) and I promise that it will be risky … for (you) the readers that is – you might have to share a smile with me! But – "don't blame me I'm only the piano player” no delete that – I take full responsibility for my ramblings ;-)

With a smile


Well Uk, I for one smile when I get your rambles in my email, so keep on smilin' and please continue to share. To the rest of you, have a great evening and remember to smile, who knows you might just get one back.

Peace, Health, and Happiness,
