Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ramble from Phair

Lucky once again...phair is sharing more!
It has been 36 days since I went headlong into my freefall. Thought you'd all appreciate an update. So here's your sand covered update from the east coast. Yes, the Atlantic remains frigid. And, the waves don't get much higher than twelve feet. But, who'd even notice when the sky is so crystal blue with big puffy white clouds randomly dotting from here to the horizon and back again. My Dad used to say this is what every day must be like in Heaven. I always believed he was right. Nothing about today is going to make me change that opinion.

The single most important development is, I’m writing. I'm writing a lot. My finger tips might be getting calluses. Not to worry. I'll use more Bag Balm at night to keep them tender. My website is getting regular updates of Unexpected which is a markedly different type of story than my usual online tales. Another story, Fair Trade, will be posted in a few to a couple of days or week-ish. It will be more of my standard online works. The nice folks who subscribed or won subscriptions to my new venture, the Dirty Story of the Month Club, got a sneak peak at Fair Trade. Folks seem to enjoy it.

I did have a manuscript at a publisher but...(this is where everybody says, 'don't worry, Hemmingway was rejected 80 times'). Thanks. I needed to hear that. While it is part and parcel of a writer's life to get rejections of manuscripts, it somehow never gets easier in those first few seconds after the news hits. Rejection reaction follows the same pattern of lightning fast despair, flipping of stomach contents, the distant sound of a toilet flushing with visions of money swirling down the drain and the stray thought of tossing the computer into the trash to be done with words once and for all. Of course, the more practice with rejection you get the quicker you shake these feelings off and size up the pony to remount.

Still, you get the lingering feeling that you just can't seem to fully shake. You mumble to a trusted friend that maybe, just maybe, you do, in fact, stink at writing. With a little bit of luck, you’ll have picked the friend that says, 'would you get over yourself?' This particular time I picked the friend that said, 'oh sure, go there. Go ahead. Believe that. Now what? Not write? HA HA HA!'

Compassion, your name is woman. It might not seem very kind but it is what I needed to hear. So, I got off my butt. Dusted off my keyboard. And began again, one word at a time. Revising the newly rejected manuscript is tacked onto my list of things to do.

My to do list is getting long. There are now 2 manuscripts needing attention, 2 stories in progress, the Dirty Story of the Month Club updates to stay ahead of, and the careful nurturing of my other career. I may continue to dabble in healthcare. A month off helped clear my head enough to see the trees and the forest for what they are and maybe, just maybe, I'm ready to get over myself.


Okay, first off phair, thanks for sharing and secondly don't give up! Your light is there. As for the rest of you, enjoy your updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


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