Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I do like stew.

It rained pretty persistently today so I spent about half the work-day sitting in a portakabin playing on the internet while the rest of the lads played cards. Got home slightly early to be greeted by my cousin (who had the day off) but not with the usual comments regarding what's for tea, (she cooks - I don't, I clean, - for obvious reasons), instead with the statement "Bloody internet amateurs. Don't know etiquette. I have a migraine. I'm going to bed. Haven't cooked."

Erm - ok. Not sure who upset her. Or for that matter what she was doing on the 'puter with a migraine coming on. But if I find out who it was they're in trouble for giving her a migraine!! She's evil when she gets those. Even her cats know to hide!!

I'm so glad I didn't get the migraine inheritance. My mother got them, her mother got them, (our mothers were sisters), my brother got them but I seem to have escaped. Inherited plenty of other crap but not that.

I was hungry and decided I needed to prepare tea for us.

It was with a great deal of trepidation that I started it. A quick check in the fridge produced spuds, carrots, cabbage, onions, raw beetroot, swede and French beans. Excellent. It was just the sort of day for a nourishing and warming stew. I do like stew. And, since we have a nice, safe pressure-cooker - with a timer - it's well within my capabilities. I chopped everything up and dumped it in the pan with some split lentils (lentils thicken it) and water. (I said I'm capable - I didn't say I had finesse *g*.) I added mixed herbs, cumin and coriander, and a bit of turmeric (aids digestion). A teaspoon of Vegemite for flavouring. And a little bit of black pepper. Actually a trifle too much black pepper because I was a little enthusiastic with it. Only a trifle mind. Enough to make the stew a tad peppery in a clears-the-sinuses sort of way but not so much as to ruin it.

Fifteen minutes later I had a not-too-bad stew. I was impressed with myself. I hadn't even set the smoke alarms off. (The one by the kitchen is an infra-red heat alarm rather than a smoke alarm since I set it off so often when it was a smoke alarm.) Even the kid was impressed when she came downstairs again later, feeling better, and had a bowlful.

There's hope for me yet.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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