Friday, March 19, 2010

Die-hard Nerds

We're very late tonight. Why? It's all Starfleet Commander's fault. I never knew I could get so involved in a game that's math heavy and doesn't have cute little graphics all over the place. But dammit I am. And so is E. She can blame me for that one. But, typical E, she's gotten waaay into it. So far into it that she's created a whole spreadsheet to keep track of her planets. And she's got a spiral notebook full of list after list of debris fields. Her planets are in war zone central so there's a lot to pick up. I'm grateful my neck of the woods is peaceful...for now.

Enjoy 'em. I'm off to fleet save and hit the hay.


1 comment:

Barbara said...

For a moment I thought you were blaming the horse that won the Cheltenham Gold Cup yesterday. Then I remembered that was called 'Imperial' Commander. My bad. :)