Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Went the day well??

I have absolutely no idea what to chat about tonight. Not a clue. It was an ok day at work. Nothing went wrong. It was an ok journey to and from work (if a trifle damp). I didn't go to the supermarket so there was no chaos caused there either. I have broken anything, not bones, not china, not appliances. Today has been perfectly calm, predictable, quiet. I don't know what's wrong with me. Oh Lord, I'm not I??

Nah - it won't last.

You know, it's weird. I hate chaos. I love order. So much so that some message boards on the web drive me to distraction with their lack of order and others are too disorganised for me to even consider reading. I love TWoP because it is so very ordered. I love order at home. My cds are sorted alphabetically and by type. My books are alphabetical within subjects. My clothes are carefully sorted in different drawers.

And yet my life is chaos personified.

There are days when I'm not safe to be let out in charge of a pair of feet, let alone complex machinery. The work I do is precise. The painting is perfect. Clean and exact. I can paint a straight line down the length of a window-frame and not get a speck on the glass. There won't be any on the floor or furniture. If I paint a skirting-board you won't need to lift the carpet - it won't get a drop on it. But me... oh blimey... my painter's whites will look like a Jackson Pollock canvas. My hands will need white spirit to get them clean and I'll have freckles all the colours of the rainbow. I'm a paint version of that Peanuts character, Pigpen. I've only got to look at a tin of paint and it'll leap up and splatter me.

The rest of my life is the same. That neat stack of loo rolls the assistant just finished?? Don't let me near it!! The pile of tins?? Oh no. If I pass with 3 metres of it it'll be over. It it can be fallen off, fallen over, fallen into, dropped, cracked, broken or slipped on. I'll be first in the queue to fall, drop or break.

Maybe I shouldn't grumble that the day was quiet. Maybe I should savour it. Treasure it before tomorrow's inevitable storm. I'll do that. I'll have a nice cuppa and sit here contemplating the peace.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your god/s go with you


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