Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dates and Dead Rats

Today was a pretty rare date in that half of the world where folk write it as day, month, year (mostly the western hemisphere). There are only about a dozen dates (sometimes fewer) in a century that are palindromes. Today was one such. 10/02/2010. Though in the half which uses year, month, day (mostly the eastern hemisphere) it wasn't a palindrome there's came in January. Along with the USA#s version. I think Americans (as in USA not as in whole continent) are the only ones to use the somewhat illogical month, day, year patten.

It got to be very late here. (So shopping for clothes will have to wait until next week). I had to go out unexpectedly. And it was late when I got back. Small family drama - nothing serious - got an emergency call to rush down to my sister to deal with a dead rat that her cat brought home. She can't stand dead things. She can capture and carry outside a live rat, or mouse, or bird. Or even *shudder* a spider. But not if they're dead. Can't bear to touch them - even with a spade. Where on earth her cat found a rat is anybody's guess. She does live quite close to a brook so maybe it came from there. And as my nephew is away for the week she had no-one to remove it. So she rang me. After all, she could hardly leave it sitting, slap-bang in the middle of the kitchen, until he gets home on Sunday, could she??

It could have been worse.

I had a cat when I was at university that not only brought me a dead rat as a present, but lovingly dragged it into the bedroom, onto the bed and draped it across my stomach. My naked stomach. While I was asleep. It was cold - and wet (with cat drool) - and it woke me up. The resulting yell, leap and cursing ensured that he never did it again. And I never left my bedroom door open again either.

This coming weekend sees the start of the Chinese Year of the Tiger - so I'd like to say to any readers who are Chinese or of Chinese descent an early Gung Hay Fat Choy.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.

EDITED to add

Couldn't sleep - got to bed & realised I'd completely f****** up - the palindrome was the FIRST not the Bloody TENTH!! - head - meet desk - repeatedly.!!! aaargh!!

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