Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Nothing but grumbles

I don't have much luck with computers. Maybe I should give up and get a wax tablet & bone stylus. My laptop's working great now. But this past week the cable has crashed. Twice. Once county-wide for 12 hours and once locally (the next day) for a day-and-a-half. So no tv and no internet. And there was I, on a deadline. I couldn't meet it. I couldn't get the story sent in time. OK, maybe I shouldn't leave it until the last minute to send submissions - but with the laptop seizing up on me I couldn't get it written and edited ready until the last minute. On well. It was crap anyway. It's just I hate letting people down when I've said I'll submit. (No snickering up there in the back row, thank you!!).

Actually it's being one of those weeks. You know - the sort when all you want to do is grumble. The weather sucks, it makes my shoulder ache. My football team seems to have gone south for winter and left its Spitting Image puppets to play instead. And I've mislaid a library book, which is now a month overdue and racking up fines like nobody's business. I start feeling right sorry for myself.

And then I get a bulletin from Medecins sans Frontieres about the situation in Haiti. And I realise how bloody lucky I am.

And what was with those idiots?? Did they really think they had the right to kidnap a bunch of kids?? That they could rip them away from their families, smuggle them out of the country and it would be all right?? I hope Haiti locks them up for a very long time. And their lawyer is grumbling "There is no air conditioning, no electricity. It is very disturbing." WTF?? Talk about coming from privilege. Did he not notice that they've had a devastating earthquake?? Did he somehow fail to perceive that the whole bloody country is without those things!!

Every time I think my faith in humanity has reached rock-bottom some idiot will come along and prove me wrong.


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