Saturday, February 06, 2010

Our Decadent Lifestyle

The house officially goes back on the market tomorrow so our day has been spent cleaning. I've mopped all of the floors with the exception of the main bathroom. The computer room still needs a tidy. The kitchen cabinets need to be cleared off again. Add to those some minor tidying in each of the bedrooms and we'll be ready to go through the routine of keeping our beds made and everything picked up for those random potential home buyer visits.

We still haven't decided where to put the darn gerbil cage. Currently he's sitting on a coffee table. The cats have long since gotten over their fascination with the strange smelling moving thing and mostly ignore him. He's a hearty little thing and has defied all expectations by living well beyond his years. He's had what appear to be a few minor strokes, but always manages to be revived with an application of applesauce. Weird, huh?

I'm fresh out of babbling. Not a lot to read tonight. Keep your fingers crossed for more tomorrow. We're off to get some books at the library. Yay!


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