Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I am not entirely sober. I'm not drunk you understand. I couldn't type this if I were. But I'm not quite sober either. I had the day off work today as an online Australian friend is in England for a bit. And she came to spend a day here, in not-so-sunny-at-the-moment Devon. I met her early this afternoon and showed her around the city. Lots of history here. (City was founded in 80CE). We saw Roman walls and the Norman Castle. The remains of a 12th century bridge, the cathedral, dozens of mediaeval churches, Tudor houses and a narrow cobbled street that was once the main route into the city. Then we had dinner (a fine - if over-priced - Italian restaurant).

Then we went to the pub. I introduced her to real cider. As in stronger and more alcoholic than beer. Cloudy - and not only are there bits in it but the big bits chase and kill the little bits. That sort of cider. She liked it.

We moved on to the Australian themed pub. She wasn't impressed. We watched football on the big-screen tv and she persuaded me to try Toohey's. She was even less impressed. It was crap and apparently nothing like real Australian Toohey's. Then we tried VB. It was just like real Australian VB. Good stuff. She thought the barman (another real Aussie) was cute. I wouldn't know... *g* We stayed drinking and chatting 'til late. Which is why I'm not quite sober. And incapable of being serious.

It's a shame because today is Holocaust Memorial Day and I really wanted to talk to you all about things like that. About the way humans still slaughter each other, about Rwanda and Cambodia and Bosnia. And about the thought processes the city council went through that convinced them that the best way to remember millions of people being beaten and starved to death was a memorial banquet in the guildhall.

But I'm not sober enough for that. So I'll just say - spare a moment today to remember the victims of genocide. And pray we learn not to do it again.

Enjoy your updates. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this video Zombie by the Cranberries nails the message of war in that people are not thinking of what their actions mean. They are too busy following orders and not challenging the reasons behind them. Granted the central cross in the video doesn't really address Holocaust Remembrance Day, but the haunting lyrics work for me better than looking at bulldozers moving emaciated corpses into mass graves. Those are the images I recall as a child when I learned to remember so it would never happen again. M'zchor (to remember in Hebrew pronounced Meeez-chor like whore but with guttural ch sound) Kali