Tuesday, January 05, 2010


It's snowing. The temp is in minus figures Celsius. And likely to stay that way for a few weeks. The canal is frozen over. The river half frozen, (it's clear in the middle because it's tidal and fairly fast-flowing). I'm cold. We broke ground on a new site yesterday. Which was bloody difficult as it was frozen solid to a 10cm depth. Can it be spring soon please?? Pretty please.

Announcement for you tonight from Mary Griggs

    Golden Crown Literary Award nominations deadline January 18th

    Eligibility for submission requires that the nominated book be:
    a. a first edition printed in the English language;
    b. published in hardcover or soft cover;
    c. have a publishing date between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009;
    d. be readily available for purchase in the United States;
    e. and must contain significant lesbian content, characters, and/or

    To find out how to nominate your favorite books and about the organization go HERE for information.

So there you go. Your GCLS needs you - or something. And I was really, really good and left the spelling alone - it wasn't easy but I did. *g*

I'll witter more tomorrow. For now - Happy New Year from the frozen south-west of England.


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