Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

Tamara and I are tired, but the house is closer. I still have a few things to get done but have a few weeknights to accomplish it all. Tonight you have a lot to read, but first a few announcements from Bedazzled Ink.
The ebook edition of Skulls & Crossbones: Tales of Women Pirates, edited by Andi Marquette and R. G. Emanuelle, has slipped out of the harbor and set sail. The print version will be hoisting sails shortly.

Raise the sails! Adjust the thrusters! Prepare to embark on courageous adventures on water, land, and sky. From Viking battles of revenge and high sea betrayal, to modern-day piracy and space banditry, these twenty tales conjure up our inner pirate. Join the crews of women pirates who triumph in victory, face the gallows, and become unlikely heroes-women who follow the code of the Skull & Crossbones.

The Tales:
"Ladgarda" by Christine Rains - "The Gallows" by Jove Belle - "Valkyry" by Rakelle Valencia - "Lost Treasure" by R. G. Emanuelle - "The Hangman's Dance" by Jane Fletcher - "The Furies" by Rajan Khanna - "Devil's Bargain" by Andi Marquette - "Fifty Octaves Deep" by Alice Godwin - "HMS Nefarious," by Rod Santos - "Pirate Wannabe" by Aubrie Dionne - "Road Pirate Wanted" by Victoria Oldham - "The Brahmapur Buccaneer" by Matthew Fryer - "The Kindness of Strangers" Vicki Stevenson - "Resolution 1838" by David Brookes - "The After" by Carrie Vaccaro Nelkin -"Captain, Hook, and Mr. Shrike" by Cat Conley - "A Perfect Life" by Elaine Burnes - "Stardance" by Trace Miller - "The Passenger" by Megan Magill - "Pipettes for the Pirate" by Holly Ellingwood

Ramble over to Bedazzled Book Peddler for the ebook:

For more information visit:


DEV AND CASSIE are back for more devilish fun with their demons tagging along for the ride in Hell for the Holidays by K. Simpson, the third book of the Devil's Workshop series. The print edition is now available.

Devlin Kerry and Cassandra Wolfe lead very complicated lives. They're in advertising, they're a couple, and they each have a personal demon. They decide to cap off a perfectly hellish year by spending Thanksgiving with the Wolfes and Christmas with the Kerrys. Between their crazy demons and even crazier families, Dev and Cassie are reminded that there's no place like hell, um, home for the holidays.

You can buy the ebook at the Bedazzled Book Peddler:

Learn more about Hell for the Holidays and read an excerpt at:

Don't forget to check out the first two books of the Devil's Workshop series.
Several Devils ( and The Average of Deviance (


IN THE MOOD for some bloodthirsty fun? The print edition of Knight Predator by Jordan Falconer is now available.

Carlisle Crowley is a striking, beautiful vampire hell-bent on living her undead life to the fullest. The last thing she needs hanging around her is Bronwyn Hunter, a seventeen-year-old love-struck human girl. As Crowley struggles to reconcile her blood-thirsty instincts with her human past, Bronwyn proves to be an insightful and steadfast ally. When Crowley's dark and mysterious past comes back to haunt her, the pair embark on a journey of self discovery that tests their relationship to the limit.

You can buy the ebook at Bedazzled Book Peddler:

Learn more about Knight Predator and read an excerpt at:

Back to your updates...enjoy!


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Busy Saturday

We managed to pack more stuff away and we even removed a bookcase. We're done for today but have more to look forward to tomorrow. Yay.

Y'all enjoy the updates.


Friday, January 29, 2010


Even when the weekend is filled with work to be done at the house it seems better than work to be done at work...why is that? So the weekend is upon us and Tamara and I will spend it "prepping" the house once again to put on this wonderful real estate market. We both are excited...not.

Other than that, same old same old.

Peace, Health and Happiness. Oh, and enjoy your updates!


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Plenty to Read

Have at it.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I am not entirely sober. I'm not drunk you understand. I couldn't type this if I were. But I'm not quite sober either. I had the day off work today as an online Australian friend is in England for a bit. And she came to spend a day here, in not-so-sunny-at-the-moment Devon. I met her early this afternoon and showed her around the city. Lots of history here. (City was founded in 80CE). We saw Roman walls and the Norman Castle. The remains of a 12th century bridge, the cathedral, dozens of mediaeval churches, Tudor houses and a narrow cobbled street that was once the main route into the city. Then we had dinner (a fine - if over-priced - Italian restaurant).

Then we went to the pub. I introduced her to real cider. As in stronger and more alcoholic than beer. Cloudy - and not only are there bits in it but the big bits chase and kill the little bits. That sort of cider. She liked it.

We moved on to the Australian themed pub. She wasn't impressed. We watched football on the big-screen tv and she persuaded me to try Toohey's. She was even less impressed. It was crap and apparently nothing like real Australian Toohey's. Then we tried VB. It was just like real Australian VB. Good stuff. She thought the barman (another real Aussie) was cute. I wouldn't know... *g* We stayed drinking and chatting 'til late. Which is why I'm not quite sober. And incapable of being serious.

It's a shame because today is Holocaust Memorial Day and I really wanted to talk to you all about things like that. About the way humans still slaughter each other, about Rwanda and Cambodia and Bosnia. And about the thought processes the city council went through that convinced them that the best way to remember millions of people being beaten and starved to death was a memorial banquet in the guildhall.

But I'm not sober enough for that. So I'll just say - spare a moment today to remember the victims of genocide. And pray we learn not to do it again.

Enjoy your updates. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm Brilliant

Well maybe not exactly brilliant - but I'm not too bad, generally. And I'm lucky (sometimes). Anyway - I DID IT!! I fixed my laptop. Ok - it took me most of Sunday but I did it. Eventually I figured out what I was doing and realised I didn't need the three pages of DOS commands the book suggested. In fact I only needed half a page. Once I realised that it only took me a further half-hour.

Before I started I did go through one of those full of doubts and "don't try this at home, kiddies" moments, and I thought very seriously about whether it was a good idea - letting me loose on things that can be royally screwed-up is never really a smart option. And two good friends who are very computer-savvy emailed me with dire warnings of what could go wrong. And I know they were right - I could have destroyed the hard-drive beyond all fixing - but I reckoned it was useless anyway if it couldn't be fixed, so what did I have to lose.

And I fixed it!!

I'm dead chuffed.


Monday, January 25, 2010

End of January

I'm surprised by how fast this month is going. It feels like the New Year was last weekend. Sadly no...hence, I must get busy...seems I have lots to do and little time or weekends to get it all done. We're actually attempting to put the house back on this quality market early next month. Exciting no?

Okay back to your updates! Enjoy.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Random Thoughts

Remember when certain movies would have an intermission? When I saw Gandhi in the theater, there was one. I'm watching Funny Girl on DVD right now and they just had one. If a movie had an intermission today folks would be confused. They'd probably go tell a theater employee there was something wrong with the film.

It's been a lazy and productive weekend for us. I think I've got a week ahead with three full days of kids at school and then two half days with kids. If so, keen.


Saturday, January 23, 2010


That would not be me today. Actually Tamara and I got a good start. We got up moved, fairly quickly and did some early chores. We got home and I became a lazy slug while I watched Tamara move about with energy. Hence she was definitely the "productive" one today.

Enjoy your updates!


Friday, January 22, 2010

Wild Friday Night

Costco trip for us tonight. Friday nights are actually a little less crazy than many evenings. We've found that Sunday morning is the best time to go.

I'll have to be good and resist Costco temptations. I believe I'll eat before I go because it's never good to hit a Costco while you're hungry.

Y'all enjoy tonight's update.


Thursday, January 21, 2010


We actually had some today. It was nice. I enjoy the winter sunshine when it's mixed up with my rain. Right now though I'm sure the people in California want the sunshine back. I do wish I had those magical powers to offer all I can do is send good dry thoughts their way. And to all you other places getting nailed this winter, may Spring arrive soon.

Enjoy your updates!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We are top of the league!!

I never did get round to fixing the laptop at the weekend. I got distracted. I thought about having a go tonight but there was a footy game on the telly and I knew I'd not be concentrating on DOS commands if the game got interesting, and not concentrating could be calamitous!! I'm glad I didn't because the game was a cracking contest and I definitely would have completely buggered the laptop if I'd tried. *g* And we are top of the league!! (Ok it won't be for long but I can still celebrate!!)

So here I am again - commandeering the kid's PC to do the updates. Just as well she isn't using it much at the moment. I do need to get the lappie fixed very, very soon though. Firstly I've got emails trapped on it that desperately need a response and secondly I have half a story on it which is due in ten days!! Ten days isn't nearly long enough to finish it, edit it, send it to a beta, get it back, fix it and edit it again. Not if I actually want to work, eat or sleep at any time during that period. I have the afternoon off tomorrow as I'm booked in at the doctor for my swine-flu jab, so I'll have a few hours spare. I'll give it a go then I think.

See you next week. On the lappie if all goes well. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Very. The snow melted. (Though they're expecting snow on the high ground on the moors tonight). Of course the melt-water brings the danger of flood. Fortunately not here. The Exe is high - high enough to spill over and half fill the flood relief channels. The canal is quite high but since it doesn't get the water the way the river does, it's not too bad. But neither are looking dangerously close to overflow.

Naturally all this water means the site we're working at is a bit soggy. Fortunately (since the foreman isn't an idiot) the first thing we dug a couple of weeks ago was a set of drainage channels. So at least the site isn't under water. But blimey it was heavy going. Two days solid of digging and I'm knackered - and my shoulder is killing me. So I'm for bed as soon as this is posted. Mini-digger (back-hoe) arrives tomorrow, and a bulldozer, so no digging. (Yippee). If it doesn't snow again here (it's raining right now) then we'll start setting the foundations on Thursday. So definitely no more digging. (Louder yippee).


Monday, January 18, 2010


Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day here in the US. It's a good time for Americans to remember what the work of this man and many others brought us. We don't always live up to the ideals we proclaim but thankfully there always seem to be folks who will step up and remind us of what those ideals are.


Sunday, January 17, 2010


That would be me and my daughter. We are relaxing at home in our pjs all day. Tamara and the boys are off seeing a movie. Quiet afternoon all around. Long weekends work from me.

Peace, Health and Happiness. Enjoy your updates.


Saturday, January 16, 2010


That's a lot to read tonight and Passion & Perfection didn't even update. Have at it.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Easy Friday

It was a day off for me today. It was also a reminder that my life is pretty darn good. I cleaned the fish tank, gerbil cage and did a bunch of laundry. I even had the pleasure of eating lunch with Tamara.

Here's hoping life gets better for all (including those in Haiti) and Peace finds our planet soon.

Now back to the regularly scheduled programming. Enjoy the updates.

Here is hoping Elisa

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Not much to say....

Tired tonight so have at it.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I think I hate microsoft.

Sorted the strange symbols from yesterday's post. Sorry 'bout that. I need to remember to remove & re-type hyphens, pound signs (as in currency not the thing we call a hash mark), euro signs, dollar signs and apostrophes because the site mucks them up. No idea why. That's computers for you.

Like my laptop. It's buggered again. I came that close to ripping the hard-drive out and setting fire to it this weekend (or doing something sensible like shipping it to some computer genius mates in Wales). Especially since my neighbour's brother-in-law is on holiday in Thailand and couldn't help.

Windows died on me. Can't start it at all. It claims there's a dll file missing or corrupt. I called the local computer shop. The chap there suggested that the only fix was to re-install XP. I pointed out that to do that would mean that I lost everything. (Since as usual I haven't done what I tell everybody else to do and backed up my stuff.) All my writing (including two chapters of one fic, the conclusion of another, and the half-finished story I've started for an online anthology). Two-thousand-plus photos. All my bookmarks and all my passwords, since I don't write them down but rely on Firefox to remember them for me. He told me that I could save them with Windows file transfer that was part of XP.

I told him he was an idiot. You can't use the file transfer wizard if you can't get in to Windows!!He told me he didn't know what else to do. I did - I went to Smith's (WH Smith - one of the UK's biggest bookshop/stationers).

I used the gift voucher my nieces gave me for Christmas to buy a book called Advanced Guide to Windows XP. It tells me that it's a boot record problem. The files are there, they aren't corrupt. My computer just can't find them. It has a solution. Two in fact, as it says there could be two reasons for the problem. It says to try the first & if that doesn't work try the second. Of course it means carefully following three pages of DOS commands which is not a good idea when you get home from work dead tired. So it will have to wait til the weekend when I have time and patience. I'll let you know how it pans out. Wish me luck *g*. And BACK UP folks!!

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

And Another Announcement

It's snowing again. Just when I thought things were improving. Forecast is for warmer temps and rain, though. Which is better. You can dig foundations when it's below 0c but you can't lay bricks and build houses (mortar freezes). And I can't afford to not be working. I picked up Reisen's ashes today and paid the vet's bill. It came to just a shade under 500. Pounds that is. Which is somewhere in the region of 800 US Dollars. So I really need to be working right now. And as soon as the snow melts I can scatter the ashes along the length of his favourite walk. Can't really do that if there's snow on the ground.

Got an announcement for you now.

    Hey folks: This is wonderful information. I hope no one has the need to use this service, but I'm afraid that that is not the case in this lifetime... so, if you know of anyone...

    If you know any woman currently undergoing Chemo, please pass the word to her that there is a cleaning service that provides FREE housecleaning - 1 time per month for 4 months while she is in treatment.

    All she has to do is sign up and have her doctor fax a note confirming the treatment. Cleaning for a Reason will have a participating maid service in her zip code arrange for the service. Cleaning for a Reason This group offers the service to any woman undergoing chemo treatment for any type of cancer.

    This organization serves the entire USA and currently has 547 partners to help these women. It's our job to pass the word and let them know that there are people out there that care. Be a blessing to someone and pass this information along.


See you tomorrow.


Monday, January 11, 2010

He lives on...

Art Clokey, the creator of Gumby, passed away over the weekend, but I can clearly say his creations will live on. Gumby and Pokey will continue to be enjoyed by thousands. I happen to be one of those thousands and my collection will continue to grow. So, RIP, Art, and thank you!

Now may the rest of you enjoy your updates!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Binary Day!

I was going to convert "Happy Binary Day" into binary for this post, but the string was way too long. Suffice it to say today's date is binary-licious.

Hope your weekend was as relaxing as ours was. Enjoy 'em!


Saturday, January 09, 2010

Hype with Swag!

So this one Tamara and I already own...otherwise my name would be on that list! Hurry and get your copy today!
Hi, all--

I'm giving away a copy of The Ties that Bind, the third in my New Mexico series, over at Women and Words. If you'd like to be entered in the drawing, just go to the link and leave a comment on the posting (make sure to include your email address--it won't be made public). We'll have the drawing Wednesday the 13th at 10 AM MST. You can find details about the book by clicking the link.

Good luck and happy reading!

Andi Marquette

Btw, I do need to mention Andi did not ask us to hype this one. We got lucky and she visited Seattle recently, hence our books got signed perhaps yours would be too?

Enjoy your updates and good luck to all that enter for the book!


Friday, January 08, 2010

Fabulous Friday!

I have to say this was a pretty good week at school. Usually the week back after a long break can be...challenging. Even my own kids seemed to get back into the swing of things rather easily.

Calvin *is* a wee bit tired tonight. Friday is major tidy chore day. He decided that rather than sweeping up the dirt in the entryway he would just brush it all down the stairs to the basement. Fortunately he confessed to this fact. I told him he now had to sweep the stairs as well because cleaning didn't mean he just moved the dirt from one place to another. It actually had to make it to the trash. You would have thought I'd asked him to wash the windows, clean the bathrooms, make all the beds and manicure the dog. I ended up sending him to his room until he got over his drama king meltdown.

Eventually he calmed down and swept the stairs. It's amazing how little time that took. I'll be happy when he realizes he makes something take three times as long by griping about it. Who am I kidding? Duncan's 14 and hasn't figured that out.


Thursday, January 07, 2010

Where did the week go?

Any one else feeling like looking behind them...where has the time gone this week? I know some has been spent at my desk or in front of this computer but it seemed to have slipped by awfully fast.

Okay, so Ze is in the winterland hell that Seattle didn't enjoy last year and many parts of this country are in a serious deep I send you all the best and hope for warmth for all. Reminder take care of one another because, in the end, we each deserve it. This planet could use a break, perhaps if we all could continue putting forth that energy more people, plants and animals could survive.

Peace, Health and Happiness and don't forget to share.

Enjoy your updates!


Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Well the Met Office said there would be heavy snow overnight and for once they got it right. It snowed. A lot. And then for most of the day it snowed. The County Council decided the roads weren't safe enough to run the school buses so most of the schools were closed. The police said simply, "If you don't have to drive - don't". The kids were out tobogganing on anything they could find. Plastic trays, metal sheets, boogie boards, even an occasional sledge. They built snowmen (or should that be snow people?? Snow figures??) which isn't something we often get to do down here. The South-West doesn't often get enough snow for that. And there's snow forecast for the rest of the week.

Of course the kind of snow we had, that brings the country to a screaming halt, is laughable in comparison to that which folk in Canada, The Tirol, Russia etc. get (and deal with) every year. But this is England - where winter always catches us by surprise. the Welsh are just as bad. The Scots cope a little better, but not by much.

Me?? I was working in it. In seven layers of clothing. I could hardly move. I warmed up pretty quick though. I can't use a pneumatic drill (jackhammer) to dig as the vibration upsets the various plates, bolts and screws that hold my arm & shoulder together so I'm left with the old-fashioned methods. Pick-axe (but left-handed even though I'm right-handed, as my 90% recovery doesn't include being able to put my arm behind my back at all) and spade. Vigorous digging through 12cm of snow and 10cm of frost-hardened soil warms you up a treat. But oh boy do I ache.

I used to like snow... once upon a time.

But I got a parcel that made all the aches go away. I have the best friends, The absolute best in the world. Tamara sent me a copy of a Birds of Prey comic (my favourite comics) that was autographed by Gail Simone!! And a copy of the book of her collected You'll All Be Sorry articles - not only autographed but with a personal message to me!! How bloody Brill is that then!! Wicked.

Lots to read tonight so I'll let you get on with it. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 05, 2010


It's snowing. The temp is in minus figures Celsius. And likely to stay that way for a few weeks. The canal is frozen over. The river half frozen, (it's clear in the middle because it's tidal and fairly fast-flowing). I'm cold. We broke ground on a new site yesterday. Which was bloody difficult as it was frozen solid to a 10cm depth. Can it be spring soon please?? Pretty please.

Announcement for you tonight from Mary Griggs

    Golden Crown Literary Award nominations deadline January 18th

    Eligibility for submission requires that the nominated book be:
    a. a first edition printed in the English language;
    b. published in hardcover or soft cover;
    c. have a publishing date between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009;
    d. be readily available for purchase in the United States;
    e. and must contain significant lesbian content, characters, and/or

    To find out how to nominate your favorite books and about the organization go HERE for information.

So there you go. Your GCLS needs you - or something. And I was really, really good and left the spelling alone - it wasn't easy but I did. *g*

I'll witter more tomorrow. For now - Happy New Year from the frozen south-west of England.
