Thursday, October 05, 2006


I'm getting back into my regular routine slowly but surely. I've found a few items that have been misplaced or lost (always happens) but I can't really get too upset about that because mom does me a huge favor taking care of the kids while I'm gone. I try my darndest to be patient with the kids the first few days after I'm back. Unfortunately a couple of weeks of not having to hear the inevitable bickering and whining makes my tolerance for it much lower. So far I think I've done a fine job of not blowing my top. By Monday I should have reached a nice state of equilibrium. Keep your fingers crossed that the kids survive until then.


p.s. Please send your prayers and positive thoughts to our frequent guest rambler, Linda. Her brother suffered a heart attack this past weekend and everyone in Linda's family is pulling for him to come back strong. Good vibes sent their way would be much appreciated.

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