Monday, October 09, 2006

Announcing the FemSlash Advent Calendar :: Dead of Winter 2006

I haven't posted any hype in a while. Thought I'd remedy that....
Well, here we are again with the FemSlash Advent Calendar :: Dead of Winter 2006, located at

Yay! Any reason for more femslashy goodness is good in our book!

And now for the obligatory rules list...

First the administrative rules:

1. FSAC DW06 (huh? What's that stupid acronym mean? Oh! Duh... Femslash Advent Calendar Dead of Winter 2006) has exclusive rights to all stories until January 7, 2007.

2. Once your entry has been posted on the FSAC DW06 site, you may feel free to link to the FSAC DW06 site or the ShatterStorm Productions site, but please do not link solely to the individual entry. This is to ensure that people have the opportunity to check out the entirety of the FSAC DW06.

3. Entries cannot be permanently posted or archived anywhere else (lists, sites, LJ, etc) until after January 6, 2006. (See Rule #2 above.)

4. Oh! And please make sure that these are new fics/pics/vids, unpublished anywhere else. We're only gonna hold 'em hostage for a little while, and then you can have them back.

5. Dates will be assigned to authors unless they specify a date they want. The calendar will be updated as regularly as humanly possible. We will allow multiple stories per day, once there is a story assigned to each date.

6. Sign-ups begin on 10/3/06 and end on 11/15/06.

7. All entrants must have their submissions in to aj & Jenn no later than midnight PDT on their due date, as shown below. If you cannot get your submission in on time, and we don't hear from you, we will put in a ringer.

* 27 November 2005: Stories dated 12/1 - 12/16 are due no later than midnight PDT.
* 11 December 2005: Stories dated 12/17 - 1/1 are due no later than midnight PDT.

And now for the more creative rules:

1. Femslash only... DUH!

2. No bestiality (the dog can sleep at the foot of the bed, but that's IT).

3. No underage over PG (this is just playing with fire).

4. No real people. Period.

5. And, for the love of little green apples, make sure they're NOT related if you're gonna get smutty! Incest is squicky.

6. There is no rule number six.

7. Any rating is acceptable. Please make sure to note and warn of any potential "squicks."

8. Fanfiction, fan art, and music videos are acceptable.

9. The individual requirements:
* For fanfiction: There is no maximum length on these stories. Wherever your muses take you, we'll take it. Provided it is a finished piece.
o Stories dated 12/1 - 12/16 will have a minimum length of 500 words.
o Stories dated 12/17 - 1/1 will have a minimum length of 1000 words.

* For fan art: Any original or photo-manipulated artwork will be accepted. Please ensure that your images are classy, not tasteless. No images over 1 MB in size. Please contact us if your image will be larger than this.

* For music videos: All music videos must be playable with Windows Media Player or Quicktime. If you have a specific codec used, you must provide a link for people to obtain it. No videos over 20MB in size Please contact us if your video will be larger than this.

10. Pick an inspiration, any inspiration, it's all good with us! TV, films, animated, comics, books, weird dreams after too much pizza... 11. If you need any help in getting ideas for your submission, just check out the handy-dandy inspiration guide. And if you have any suggestions for the list, let us know.

To request a date:
Fill out the following "form" & email it to us.

Email Address:

Date Requested:
Medium: [fanfic, fanart, fanvid]

aj .. grinning ..

Something to look forward to definitely. Enjoy the updates!


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